I Need Him, My Gerard

The guys

The guys
Time elapse one month
Ever since Gerard and I consummated our relationship, things have been going extra smooth. I know Gerard was just as worried about it as I was, but for different reasons. I’d never call Gerard too insecure, but he was worried I wouldn’t like what I saw. He was worried I would reject him, and I was worried I would get it wrong and he would either laugh at me, or think of me as a stupid little kid.
Anyway, he’s coming over later. We have slept together a few times, but it’s tasteful. We still do everything we used to do, nothing’s changed. Actually, lots had changed. Gee finally introduced me to the guys he hung out with before he met me, and they are really cool. They’re Ray and Matt. I think they like me, but Ray has some kind of gaydar. When I met him, he seemed to know I was gay, in a sense. Well, he told me I was gay, and I was like, Gee, did you tell, and he was all, no.
Then Gerard snogged me in front of everyone, and they were grossed out but Ray was all cool about it, because he knew Gerard was gay already.
Oh, I’m living at home again. My mum phoned me whilst we were at the motel, and apologized. I could tell she was crying. So I told her I was staying with Gerard but would come home in the morning. I knew she would let me come home, because she does understand and loves me, I have to worry about Gerard though; his parents are not as understanding as me.

“Frankie, phone.” My mum called up. She sounded irritated, so it was Gerard.

“Ok,” I shouted, running down to get the phone. “Hey Gee,” I said, smiling to myself.

“Hey Frankie, my little sex kitty,” he purred down the phone.

“What’s up?”

“I’m bored; want to go out with the guys?”

“Erm, yeah ok, where?”

“Shopping spree,” he screeched down the phone, screaming like a girl and I could here him thumping around on the floor.

“Yeah, ok, when?”

“Now. We’re outside your house.”

“What? Ok, I’ll be right out.”

I raced upstairs and brushed my hair, and applied some nice eyeliner. Then I put on some tight skinnies, and a real hot tight shirt. I made sure I was wearing the bowers Gerard gave me, in case he saw. Then I went downstairs, kissed mum and ran out the front door.

“Well someone took there sweet time, didn’t they.”

Mikey moaned, and Ray tutted. Gerard smiled and kissed me.

“Guys, he was just tarting himself up for ME.”

“Well that depends on whether it’s making you hot,” I said, grabbing his butt.

“A bit,” he said, kissing me and stroking my cheek.

“Can we get a move on please, I want to get to town BEFORE it shuts,” said Ray, pretending to be irritated. So we all went to town.

“Ray,” I whined, “I’m hungry.”

“You can wait.” He said, pulling me into a music store.

“No I can’t I’ll DIE,” I whined.

“Oh FINE,” he said, giving in and letting me lead him to starbucks.

“Two coffees,” Ray ordered.

“Hey, where’s Gee and Mikey?” I asked, noticing they were gone.

“Oh how observant you are. They went to do a bit of serious shopping, and they don’t want you tagging along because you are annoying. In case you hadn’t guessed, I’m supervising you.”

“Right, you volunteered to stay with me because you love me soooo much,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him and giving him a wide grin.

“Whatever you say Frankie,” He grinned. We got our coffees and sat down, waiting around for Gerard and Mikey.

“So, you’re with Gerard, right?”

“Erm, yes, I thought you would have guessed that from the whole kissing; and us telling each other we loved each other all the time.”

“Well, yeah. Do you really love Gerard?”

“Oh come on Ray, I don’t want to get all sentimental with you, that’s for Gerard, but yeah, I really do love him.”

“Good, because Gerard is my best friend and I’d have to kill you if you were just screwing around with him.”

“Right,” I said, laughing at Ray’s feeble attempt at an insult whilst still trying to be friendly.

“No, I’m serious,” whined Ray, upset that I wasn’t taking his threat seriously.

“I know,” I said.

I was still touched that he cared about Gee that much, even though I was the enemy in the case. I loved Gerard, and cared about him, well, more than myself.
Just then the door opened, and in walked Gerard and Mikey with lots of bags that they wouldn’t let me raid. I whined and pawed at Gerard, but he didn’t change his mind about letting me look in his bag.
Gerard and Mikey went and got coffees and we all sat together.
“Come on Gee, what did you buy. It isn’t underwear for a GIRL is it?”

I asked, glaring at him.

“Frankie, you know that isn’t going to happen,” he said, kissing me and ruffling my hair.

“Yeah, but I wanted to see if that would make you let me look,” I said, pouting.

“No chance babe,” he said, kissing me hard and running his hand up my leg.

“Guys, get a room,” said Ray, closing his eyes and turning his head.

“They’ve got one,” laughed Mikey.

“You see Ray, Mikey knows us so well,” Gerard said, ruffling Ray’s hair.

“Gerard, I want to go HOME,” I whined, stroking his cheek.

“Ok, is your mum home?”

“No, she’s at work.”

“Ok then sweetie, let’s go.” I said, dragging him up and saying goodbye to Ray and Mikey.

Gerard started to say stuff, but then I pulled him out the door, just as he shouted loudly, “RAPE, RAPE!”

The guys laughed as I dragged him down the street and into my house, onto the sofa and into my arms. I pushed my whole weight onto his chest, and we just sat and watched cartoons, eating ice cream. I poured a load of skittles into it and my mouth and kissed Gerard, and suddenly he wasn’t so keen anymore.
Anyone would have thought he didn’t like skittles.

“Gerard, anyone would think you didn’t like skittles.”

“I don’t.”

I gasped. What a stupid thing to say. He doesn’t mean it though.
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YAY, my last chapter a success, what do u think of this one, was it ok that i did a time elapse? i thought it was appropriate