I Need Him, My Gerard

There's a rule in MY room

“Gerard, what’re you doing Thursday?”

“Erm, nothing,” he said, scrunching up his face in concentration.

“Well you know what day it is on Thursday, right?” I said, knowing that he had forgotten.

“Erm,” he put his pencil down, thinking about what he could have forgotten.
“Yeah, I totally do,” he said, avoiding my smug gaze. I don’t mind that he forgot, he’s got a lot on his mind, but I want to make him a bit scattered before I pretend to be annoyed and then remind him. He’ll get all apologetic and I’ll get a kiss. A bit mean I know, but I enjoy doing it.

“So, what is happening Thursday then Gee?” I said, pretending to get excited.

“OK Frankie, you can’t read my mind but you’re pretty damn close, so you know I don’t have a clue about what’s happening Thursday and I’m sorry.”
I couldn’t help laughing. That was the first time he had ever been honest. I mean, usually he would try and give it a half decent guess, but this time he just came out straight. Probably because he’s so stressed about the coursework he’s doing now.

“Gee, don’t worry, it’s Valentines Day,” I said, going over and flicking his hair.

“Oh, Frankie I’m sorry. How about we go out somewhere Thursday night. Movies?”

“Yeah, OK, I got you a present, but I won’t embarrass you in public,” I said giggling at the thought.

“Ooh, I have to get my BOYFRIEND a present now, do I?” He joked.

“Hell yeah,” I said, flicking his hair again. I sighed and pulled the pencil out of his mouth.
“Gerard, do you want to die?”


“If this pencil splintered in your throat, it would cut it from the inside and you could die.”
I sounded like an overprotective parent.

“Aw, Frankie thanks for caring baby, but I have to concentrate. This reminds me; get the hell off so I can work.”

“Oh, pleasant,” I said, going over and slumping on a large pile of clothes on the opposite side of the room.

“Gerard,” I whined.


“I’m bored,” I said, over-emphasizing the words.

“What am I supposed to do about it?”

“Play with me.”

“Frankie, you sound like a child, find something to do by yourself.”

“Fine,” I said, getting up. I spread the pile of clothes I was sitting on all over the floor. I’m going to sort out Gerard’s pile of clothes. I sorted them into clean, dirty, ‘we’re throwing THAT out’ and ‘I’m taking this home.’
“Frankie,” he moaned.

“What?” I asked.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Sorting you out, how long has this been here for?” I asked, wrinkling my nose as I picked up a shirt with a funny colored stain on it.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” he said, biting his lip and scribbling furiously at his desk.

“You should, it’s unhygienic,” I said, putting my hands on my hips and pushing my hair back out of my eyes.
Gerard started laughing.
“What,” I asked puzzled. I thought I was having a go at him.

“You look like a housewife,” he said, in between splutters. He was almost crying with laughter.

“Oh yeah, very funny,” I said, glaring at him. I was glad he wasn’t so tense and stressy anymore though.

“Actually it is,” he said, getting a bit more serious,

“Gerard, I’m not a housewife, I’m just a bit of a clean freak,” I said seriously, making him laugh harder.

“Trust me Frankie, I’m glad that you are, I’ll live a healthy cleaner life now you’re here,” he burst into a new fit of hysterics. I ignored him, and bent over to continue scooping up his clothes.
“Nice butt,” he commented. I ignored him, knowing he was simply stifling more laughter. I finished clearing his clothes and moved onto his cupboard. I cleaned everything up, and almost passed out when I found something dead in the back of this cupboard.
“Gerard, what the hell is this?” I asked, holding it up, my hand protected by several of his socks that I had shoved on it.

“Erm, pet rat?” he asked, as puzzled as I was.

“Oh my Gee,” I said, throwing it in the bin as fast as I could. He laughed again, and I scowled, making him laugh harder.
“I hope you choke,” I spat.

“No you don’t,” he said, going quieter.

“You’re right, but I hope something bad happens.”

“Oh, I can live with that,” he said, getting back to his art.

“What are you drawing anyway?” I asked him, as it occurred to me I hadn’t asked before.

“Something,” he mumbled. Right now I had to look. I ran over and saw. I smiled. His bedroom, with a boy standing there, playing with his belt.

“I just got some inspiration, you’re good to draw,” he said, looking into my eyes.

“How’s your teacher and class going to see it?” I asked, skeptical that they would appreciate the drawing for the love it held.

“I don’t care what they think; the teacher has to grade it on the artwork itself, not what it depicts. I tried drawing loads of crap, but I kept resorting to drawing you, so I made it my project. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Gee, I’m touched baby, I really am. If you want to draw me, don’t make me too short or ugly if you can, draw me from my good side,” I laughed.

“I’m a good artist, I’m never going to be able to draw you ugly and you don’t have a bad side,” he said, stroking my hair. I kissed his hand.

“Sweet of you to say.”

“Just the truth. I’m not the most sentimental guy Frankie,” he laughed, kissing my cheek. I got back up and lay on the floor. I peered under his bed, stuffing my head right into the dark. Ouch, something heavy just got on top of me. I pulled my head out into the room. Gerard was sitting on me, running his hand up and down my chest.

“A little present for me?” he asked, laughing.

“No, I was cleaning under your bed.”

“It’s not safe for you to lie on the floor in MY room,” he said, leaning in and kissing me.

“Great,” I said, half kissing him back.

“Since you didn’t know the rule, I’ll let you off, but next time, I may have to enforce my rule.”
I rolled my eyes and poked him in the ribs, making him squirm off me. I pulled everything out from under his bed, and sorted threw it all. Then I got the little hand vacuum cleaner out and did the carpet, then the bed, then finally Gerard’s clothing. He moaned and tried to swat me away, but I dodged his clumsy hand, laughing and swirling. Eventually it was done, and I slumped on his nice clean bed. I finally felt comfortable in Gerard’s room, but I knew how naturally scattered and messy he was and that the clean room wouldn’t last.

“I have to go now Gee,” I said, kissing him on the lips and going to the door.

“Alright,” he said, getting up and taking my hand. He kissed me hard up against the wall, and took me to the front door.

“I’ll see you Thursday,” I said breathlessly, and gasping as I went out into the crisp February air.”

“Love you Frankie,” he said, blowing me a quick kiss.

“Love you too Gee,” I said, waving to him.
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yay new chapter... next one should be good
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