Status: an epic battle with writers block. lets hope this one will prevale!

You're Not Alone

It's Just Like Him

The only thing worse than moving to a new place, is moving to a new place where you have to live by yourself with a job that you don’t like. That is what happened to me. My parents decided that they didn’t want me ruining their reputation, so they figured that sending me to the states to live in our apartment in New York. I told them that I didn’t want to live in a place that is pretty much twice as big as an average sized house, but they didn’t see the problem with it. That is how Cecelia June Watson ended up across the pond.

With the first day of school less than a week away, I found myself at work. Yes that’s right people. I have the glorious job of an ice-cream maker at the local Dairy Queen. I make people’s Blizzards, fry people’s chicken, and then, at close, I clean the damn toilets. Now, with parents who run a multi-million dollar music entertainment magazine in England, one would think that I wouldn’t be working to pay my own way. However, I didn’t feel as if I should. They weren’t going to claim me as their own, so I figured that I wouldn’t act like it either. I wasn’t naïve though. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to live off of nothing. When I left, I asked them for enough money to get started food/necessity wise. Then, after that first month-when I saved enough- I would go out and buy my own food and stuff with the money that I made from my measly DQ paycheck. I had made a few friends through work, and that is pretty much the only social interaction I had with the outside world. I didn’t want to tell anyone about my family or what life was like in England. I just wanted a place for me, and I was hoping that I could find that here.
I looked up when I heard the little chime, telling me that a customer had walked in. A kid that looked to be about my age walked up to the counter, while talking amongst his little group of friends. When they got up to the counter, they were still talking. I just stood there for a second, waiting for them to finish; however, they just kept talking. At one point, I kind of just wanted to punch one of them in the face. I know I don’t have the best job, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t want to be treated nicely.

“Are you guys actually going to order something, or are you going to keep taking up my counter space?” The one who seemed to be the leader of them all looked up at me with a smirk on his face.

“Yeah, chill ma.” I just kind of stared at him.
“Ma? Really. That’s what you’re gonna go with?” The other guys surrounding him laughed. One of the other guys looked at me with a questioning look on his face.
“Are you new around here? I don’t remember seeing you the last time we were in here.”
“Right, well, to answer your question, yes, I am new. Now, would you like to order something, or are you guys just doing to stand here and ask me questions about my personal life?”
“C.J. what have we told you about customer greetings?” I rolled my eyes at Carly-the manager I have come to hate.
“Pardon my manners. Would you guys like to try our new reindeer bites blizzard?”
“Reindeer bites? Really?” The guy with long, wavy brown hair said, mocking me. I just gave him about as fake a smile as I could muster and started to take their order. Eventually they got it all out, and I gave them their total. Of course they ordered a shit ton of food…that I had to make.
“Alright,” I said, as I handed them their drink cups, “I will bring your food out to you when it is ready.” The one with longer blonde hair nodded.
“Thanks.” He said with a small smile, letting me know that the whole world wasn’t full of people who thought they were better than everyone else. I gave him a small smile back, and then went to make their food.

Why was I doing all of this by myself, you ask. Well, today, we were crazy slow, so we had to send most of the other workers home-leaving me and Carly by ourselves, and as Carly views herself more as a supervisor than a manger, she sits in the back and plays on her phone unless we get mondo busy. About ten minutes later, I was done making their food, so I put it all on a tray, sucked up my pride, and took it out to them.
Eventually, I was done for the day, and the second shift people started to come in. I did whatever last minute things I needed to get done, and went home. As soon as I got home, I started to put away the last of the boxes that I had and started to put my backpack together. School started in two days, and as I had a DJ-ing gig the next day, I wouldn’t have time to do it then. Around 8, my house filled with the sound of Tom Fletcher singing- which meant that Paige was calling me.

“Chica! Are you excited for school on Monday?”
“Well, hello to you.” I laughed, holding the phone between my ear and my shoulder while I put more things away.
“Gah! That accent thing will never get old.”
“That may be true, but eventually, I am going to loose it, and I shall be talking like all of you.”
“Oh I doubt that very seriously.” She said, trying to imitate my accent, making me laugh at her.
“Are you guys still coming to my gig tomorrow?” I asked, sitting down on the couch and propping my feet up on my makeshift coffee table.
“Of course! The girls and I haven’t had anything that interesting to look forward to in a while.” Laughing, I had to shake my head.
“I wouldn’t expect a whole lot. I am still kind of new at it.”
“We will still be there for moral support.” All of a sudden, I heard her giggling-which could only mean one thing.
“Alright, well, when I start hearing hanky panky in my ear, I hang up.” She laughed and gave some kind of goodbye. I pressed the end button on my phone, laughing. Looking around, I shook my head and made my way to my bedroom. After taking a shower, I pulled on my pajamas and got ready for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. I just hoped I survive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Definitely shorter than usually. I shall do better. Just wanted to get this started. More coming soon! Character descriptions in the Character tab above.