Status: an epic battle with writers block. lets hope this one will prevale!

You're Not Alone

To Wander Off in the Evergreen Park

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you feel like doing the stereotypical ‘sit up in bed, stretch, and then smile’ thing, knowing that your day was going to be okay? You have? Good. I haven’t. On this particular morning, I about drilled my phone into the wall, since I set the alarm to omit an almost unbearable shrill tone-which I about died when I heard it. After turning the damn thing off, I sat up, only to realize that my hair was stuck in the crack in the headboard. I figured that the day couldn’t get much worse after about being yanked bald, so I stepped out of bed to get dressed for the day, and tripped over one of my puppies. I probably would have thrown him across the room too, if I hadn’t looked at him and saw the cutest face I have ever seen. It almost made the morning okay-almost. Making my way to my closet, I picked whatever I could find that would match. After shoving my wallet and phone in my purse, I grabbed my car keys and drove over to Paige’s house. Using my better judgment, I decided to knock, rather than just walk in, like she had told me to. Upon finding her standing in front of me, wearing nothing but a sheet, I decided this was a good idea.

“CJ, hey! Um, I will be ready in a few minutes. Do you want to come in?” She must’ve seen the look on my face. “Oh, don’t worry, he already left for work.” I smiled and walked in behind her.

"So, what is on the agenda for today?" Paige asked, as she disappeared into her bedroom.

"Well, I was going to go get all of my shit set up and then we could go get something to eat and meet up with the girls. After that, we can go back to my place so I can get dressed and head back over to the club." She walked out of her room, smirking.

"You just have it all figured out, don't you?" I smiled, standing back up.

"Maybe I am just a little nervous." I said, following her into the kitchen. "I have obviously never had a gig here, and I about shit myself when I had my first one in England."

"You will do fine. Stop worrying. Let's just go meet up with the girls and get something to eat. Then we can all help you with setting up your stuff, and we can just go hang after. I am sure we can find something to keep you busy enough that you won't even realize you are nervous." I rolled my eyes as she pushed me out of the apartment.

"So, you just assumed I was going to drive?" I asked, nudging her.

"Well, yeah. Is that so out there?"

"No Paige, I was just messing with ya." She smiled and gave me a nudge back.

"I can never tell with you. You can be so serious all of a sudden. It's kind of like you are a little bi-polar." I smiled, and winked at her, making her laugh.

"You know what? I think I can do this. At least you guys will be there. Do you know if any other people are going who go to our school?"

"Well, um..." I glanced at her with a worried face. "I know that a lot of the popular people from school go to this club." I groaned and let my head fall forward.

"I am screwed."

"What? It's not like you wanted to be popular, right?" She asked, making me laugh once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here are the outfits and accessories:
Once again, kind of short...okay, really short, but this is just to get the story started. After I write some more, I will have much longer entries.