Status: an epic battle with writers block. lets hope this one will prevale!

You're Not Alone

Slowly Searching

Paige and I eventually made it to the Starbucks a few blocks away where we were going to meet the other girls from work. We had been sitting there for a few minutes, just making small talk, until we heard a huge racket from over by the door. We both turned to look and saw Hannah and Alexis running over.

“Hiya chickies!” Hannah said, giving me a big hug. Paige was smirking at me, because she seems to remember the conversation we had at work about personal space-something that Hannah never seemed to comprehend. I gave her a half-assed hug back, and then they both sat down.

“So, where are we going to eat?” Alexis asked. “I am starving.”

“Al, you just ate an hour ago.” Alexis’ eyes widened.

“Hannah Marie Abbott, are you insinuating that I am fat?” I laughed at the two of them, because for as long as I have known them- which isn’t that long- they have had this discussion at least once a day. Twice, if we were lucky.

“Guys, let’s not do this again, shall we? CJ is already stressing and pointless arguments aren’t going to help anything.” I smiled at Paige and they stopped bickering. “Good, now let’s go get something to eat. I am kind of in a Damon mood.” The three of us started laughing at Paige. You see, what she means is that, she feels like seeing the rather gorgeous boy that works at the local Taco Bell. Glamorous, no? That is how, on most weekends, after a shift that we have all worked on, we end up at the aforementioned dining establishment- just so Paige can get a glimpse of the boy she has being pining after for some time.

“Paige, we can’t go to Taco Bell. What is CJ gets nervous. After she eats there, that nervousness will turn into diarrhea.” Something else you should know: Alexis wouldn’t know quiet if it bit her in the ass. The whole restaurant turned and looked in our direction.

“Gee, thanks Lex. Cuz this isn’t awkward at all.” She just smiled and put her hand on my arm.

“Don’t worry CJ, they don’t know that you are the one I was talking about.” I smacked my forehead, while the other girls hit each of her arms. This day didn’t seem to be getting any better.
After rushing out of Starbucks to avoid the snickers that had started, we made our way to Taco Bell. When we got there, Paige and I went straight up to the counter, while Alex and Hannah went and found seats for us. As much as I didn’t want to talk about it in front of the crowd at Starbucks, Alex had a point. Taco Bell probably wasn’t the best choice for an already nervous stomach. I ended up just getting a caramel apple empanada, while the others got damn near the whole left side of the menu.

“So, CJ, what is this that Paige was telling me about a DJ-ing gig?” Damon asked as we got our money to pay.

“Well, it is what it sounds like.” Damon smiled, used to my sarcastic attitude. “I am putting on a small show in some club that Hannah told me was pretty popular around here.” When I looked up, he had a worried look on his face.
“You don’t even know the name of the club?”

“No, but they do, so I figured I’m not totally screwed.” He shook his head, but held up his hand for our traditional sign for good-bye~ a high five. Yeah, we are just that cool. As I walked back to the table, I heard Paige using her ‘boy talk’ voice, which made me smile. She always talked like an innocent little child when she was talking to Damon. It made the rest of us feel like there was hope for her yet. Eventually, she came to join us.

“So, have you though about what you are going to wear for your first job?” I finished the bite of empanada that was in my mouth and answered her.

“Not really.” All of their eyes bugged, leaving me to assume that I did something wrong. “What?”

“You haven’t even thought about it a little?” Hannah asked, after she dropped her taco.

“Damn guys! I just finished putting my shit away in the house. I haven’t had a lot of time to plan outfits for days that haven’t even come yet.” I finished my empanada, and wiped my hands on one of the only napkins that Paige brought over.

“Okay, well then, you definitely need our help.” I looked at all of them for a second.

“I thought that was implied.” I said frankly, making them all bust up laughing.
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see, I told you this would be a little longer. Hopefully I will get to the good stuff soon!