Status: an epic battle with writers block. lets hope this one will prevale!

You're Not Alone

For Any Sign of the Ones He Used To Love

A half hour later, I found myself back in my apartment with the three of them literally throwing the contents of my entire closet on my floor.

“Guys, is this really necessary? At this point, I would be willing to just go buy something new.” All of their heads snapped up at the same time. To tell you the truth, it was a tad unsettling. “I was only kidding. Trust me, I have whatever I need in there.”

“Mozz, if there is something in here, then we aren’t finding it.” Alexis said, using an abbreviation for my nickname-Mozzi. Honestly, what is the point in having a nickname that they just make an abbreviation for?

“Well then, let’s go check the other closet.” Paige narrowed her eyes at me.

“You have another closet?” I nodded like it was the most normal thing in the world. They were all glaring at me like I ate their children. I just shook my head and left the room to go to my other closet. I heard them all file in behind me and the next thing I know, someone had smacked me in the back of the head.

“What in the bloody hell was that for?” I asked, twirling around so I could face them.

“Why did you make us go through the bargain closet first?” Hannah asked. Without waiting for an answer, they descended upon my closet like hyenas to a dead animal. About ten minutes later, they had decided on an outfit outfit. I actually didn’t mind it so much. They all waited while I put the outfit on and gave me a nod of approval.

“That club isn’t going to know what hit it.” Hannah said.

“Wait, you are a good DJ, right?” Paige asked. This time, I wasn’t the one who got smacked in the back of the head.

“I don’t know Paige. I haven’t really had much practice. You are going to have to tell me.” I lied. Once again, all of their eyes bugged and I got one last laugh out of it. After the rest of them got dressed-most of which in my clothes- we made our way back to the club.

As I walked in the back door of the club, people started looking at me like I didn’t belong there. I was used to it though, I guess. People didn’t take me very seriously back home either. Sure showed them. I waited for the DJ that was before me to finish. While I was waiting, I went to get something to drink from the bar when I walked right into someone.

“Hey Ma! You don’t look as bad outside of that Dairy Queen uniform as I thought you would.” The guy with long wavy brown hair that had mocked me earlier put his arm around my shoulders. I grabbed the skin from the underside of his upper arm and squeezed it rather hard. He started whining and stood on his tip toes to relieve the pressure.

“Let go bitch!” I let go and took a step back. He looked like he was about to get in my face when the longer haired blonde kid stepped in.

“Aiden, just back off. Go sit with Reina.”

“She put her hands on me man.”

“You insulted her dumbass. You are just lucky she didn’t do something worse.” I watched as this Aiden character made faces at me, and then turned to walk over to some chick that I really didn’t expect him to be with. “I am so sorry about him. I really am. He doesn’t think about what he says…” He paused, “ever.” I smiled.

“That’s okay. You seem to be pretty mature about life. How did you end up in his crowd?”

“You know, I don’t really even have the foggiest idea. One day we were just hanging out. It was probably some sport at some point in our underclassmen years.”

“Ah, are you a senior this year?” He nodded.

“Yup. I am almost done with that hell hole.”

“It wouldn’t happen to be Sheridan High, would it?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” I asked as we slowly finished making our way to the bar.

“I start on Monday.” He smiled really big causing me to grin like an idiot.

“Well then, my name is Tristan and it would be my honor to show you around the school.”

“CJ, and that would be awesome, but I think I have it covered.”

“I know people don’t like asking for help, but I really don’t mind.” My hand moved up to his forearm.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that I already have some people that are helping me with that. You might know them actually.”

“Oh, what are their names?”

“Well, there’s Alexis…”

“What about me?” Tristan and I looked up and saw three girls standing in front of us.

“That was easy. We have Alexis, Paige and…”

“Hannah, hey.” I smirked at the other girls as if to say ‘what have we here?’.

“Hi Tristan.” I laughed at the awkwardness after that. The other DJ was starting to wrap things up, so I waved at the girls and Tristan and started walking towards the back. When the other guy finished, I did my pre-show rituals.

“Up next we have an upstart from England. You guys probably haven’t seen this crazy character, but after tonight, you will have a new favorite. Everyone give it up for CJ!” I walked up behind the booth as people started cheering. When they saw that I’m a girl, the cheers from the girls died down a little. If you have ever been to an entertainment event at all, you know that most of the volume from a crowd comes from the women. It was a little unnerving, but I didn’t let it get to me. Instead, I got up and did what I do best. After the first mash-up, people didn’t doubt the fact that I actually was a DJ anymore. They started to get into it and were dancing around just as much as they were for the first guy. By the end of my set, I felt as if I had made some fans. When I was done gathering my things, I made my way back out to the dance floor to finds the girls. They found me first and all attacked me with hugs.

“Cece, that was amazing! Where did you learn how to do that?” Paige asked. I just smiled and hugged them all back.

“I don’t know. I just picked it up one day.”

“Dude, you definitely have to do that at the senior showcase.”

“Senior showcase?” I asked.

“It’s like a talent show, but only for the seniors to celebrate their last year.” Hannah explained.

“Yeah, the winner gets whatever money the sponsors put together. Last year, there was almost $5,000.” My jaw damn near hit my shoes.

“You’re kidding me!” All three of them shook their heads. “Wow. That would definitely help pay the rent.”

“You have to pay your own rent?” Someone asked as they walked up behind me. “That’s so tragic.” I turned around to find Aiden and Reina standing there with the rest of his goonies. Tristan winked at me to let me know that he enjoyed the set. I smiled back.

“That was awesome dude! Why are you working at Dairy Queen? You could make more than enough DJing for parties around here.” The other blonde guy said. Tristan smacked him across the back of the head.

“Did you not hear her dumbass? She has bills to pay. If she’s living by herself, I imagine that rent is not the only bill that she has to pay.”

“Plus college.” Alexis added.

“Ew. Who wants to go to college?” I just looked at this Reina character. She was the kind of person I couldn’t stand. She obviously never had to do anything for herself and she relied on others to make her life easy.

“Yeah, like who would want to do something as gross as going to college?” I mocked. The short brown haired boy came over and put an arm around my shoulder.

“Yep, we are going to get along just fine. I’m Noah.” I laughed and put an arm around his waist as he started leading me to the bar.

“CJ. And why is that?”

“Because, between you and me, I have never really liked Reina. She’s changed Aiden for the worse.” I snorted out a laugh.

“Nobody can change someone THAT much.”

“Yeah, alright. He is a little douchey.” I laughed and sat on a barstool.

“Dr. Pepper.” I said to the bartender. He just nodded and started making my drink.

“Dr. Pepper, really?” Tristan asked, sitting on my other side.

“Me and the alcohol have a love hate relationship. It loves the people that I hang out with, and I hate if for what it does to them.” They all mouthed an ‘oh’ and ordered something that was a little lighter.

“Guys, are you coming?” Aiden asked from behind me. “Let’s ditch this place. They apparently let anyone in here.” I could feel his gaze staring a hole into my back, but I felt that ignoring him would be the best thing for me at that moment. Tristan let out a sigh as Noah stood up.

“He’s my ride, so…” I nodded understandingly and stood up to give him a hug.

“Gross, don’t hug that. You don’t know what diseases she brought over the Pacific.” I closed my eyes and tried to compose myself while Tristan, Hannah, and Paige laughed.

“Reina you are such a dumbass. It’s the Atlantic Ocean that she crossed. Did you ever pay attention in school?” Reina just flipped her off and they all started walking away.

“Classy.” I said as I sat back down. The girls laughed and scooted closer.

“So, what’s up with you and the popular posse?” Hannah asked.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen anyone in that crowd say anything mean to His Highness and his lady friend in years.” Paige added.

“Let’s just say I have a way with people.” I winked at them and they gave me playful little shoves. “Are you guys almost ready to go? I have to work in the morning.” They all rolled their eyes.

“Nope, we aren’t leaving until you dance with someone.” I shook my head.

“I don’t dance.” Alexis shook her head.

“Yeah, you’re not getting out of this one. You have to dance for at least a half hour before we even bring up the subject of leaving again.” She said. I heard the intro for She Wants to Move by N.E.R.D through the speakers. I grabbed two of the girls’ hands and we all made our way to the dance floor. It was just us girls dancing together for the first half of the song, but then boys started coming over our way. I was the last one to actually have a dance partner, but he was so cute that I didn’t mind. The next song that came on was I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) by Pitbull. Let’s just say that I don’t usually dance with a guy like that unless he buys me dinner first…a couple of times. After that, Sticks, Stones and Techno came on, making this venue my favorite because that is one of my most favorite songs ever! Then Remembering Sunday came on and I started to feel a little self conscious, but the guy pulled me into him like it was the most natural thing ever and we slow danced until the song was over. After that song, we all decided that we needed a break and went to sit on one of the couches along the wall of the club.

“You liar!” Paige yelled at me.

“What did I say?” I asked, playing innocent.

“You said that you couldn’t dance.” Hannah answered.

“No, I believe what I said was that I DON’T dance. You guys took that as me believing that I couldn’t.” Alexis just shook her head.

“From what I can tell, you can dance pretty well.” The guy I had been dancing with added. I looked at him like an alien because I kind of forgot that he was there.

“Well thank you. I’m…”

“CJ,” I looked at him like he was a creeper. “Your introduction was a little bit better than mine. I’m Christian.” I laughed, realizing that he meant the introduction from the emcee.

“Oh, alright. I was worried there for a second.” He smiled, and I swear it was one of the most perfect smiles I had ever seen. Someone nudged me when I was staring a little too long, and I started blushing so I looked down. He just let out a small laugh and asked if we wanted anything to drink.

“I could take a beer.” Alexis said. The boys’ eyes about bugged out. “What? I’m not allowed to have a beer?”

“It’s just that most girls who come to this club only get fru-fru drinks that are embarrassing to order.”

“Do I even need to say it?” They shook their heads.

“Not like most girls.” The one she was dancing with said. I laughed as they all walked towards the bar, occasionally glancing back- making it completely obvious that they were talking about us.

“So, when are we going home?” They all whined at me until I glared at them with my best mean face. “I told you that I have to work tomorrow. I don’t play around with this shit guys. If I am late, Carly will write me up. I have already been late a few times, and she is looking for any reason to fire me.”

“Oh don’t be dramatic.”

“No, she literally said those exact words.” I said as frank as I could.


“Why is she such a hag?” Hannah asked as the guys came back.

“I have no idea. I haven’t ever really done anything to her. I just know that she hates me.”

“Who could hate you?” Christian asked, giving me a nudge.

“My boss.”

“Oh yeah? Where do you work?” I groaned.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. He patted my head as he let out yet another chuckle.

“Okay. You tired from that dancing that you don’t do?” I nodded.

“Well, if you want to go home so bad, then maybe Christian will take you home.” Hannah suggested. I sat up and punched her arm.

“Hannah, that is so rude.”

“What did I do?” Hannah asked, rubbing the spot I punched to make it stop hurting.

“You told me to ask him to take me home. I don’t have any right to…”

“I can take you home.” I stopped lecturing Hannah and looked at Christian.

“You really don’t have to do that. I drove here, so I can drive myself right on back home. They would just have to find a way home.”

“Yeah, but you don’t have to. Come on. I was getting ready to head out anyway.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You’re lying.” He smiled and stood up holding out a hand for me to take.

“Am I?” I laughed, took his hand, and let him pull my off the couch. I said my goodbyes to the girls and left my keys with them, telling them to drive my car back to my apartment to pick up their cars, and then followed Christian out…to his motorcycle.

“Nice. Ducati ?” Christian turned around and stared at me.

“Are you kidding me? Beautiful and knows about motorcycles?” I blushed.

“Well, only a little.”


“Alright, well, how am I going to tell you how to get to my house when you are driving a motorcycle?” He smirked at me which made me a little nervous. “What thoughts are running through your head now?”

“Well, I mean, that was a very good point. Communicating would be a little difficult.”


“So, maybe you should just drive.” I about fell on my ass when he made his suggestion. I don’t know that many guys who would let you drive their motorcycle an hour after you meet them.

“Are you sure. That seems like it could be a bad idea to me.”

“You know how to ride one, right?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“Then we don’t have a problem. Let’s go.”

“You’re sure about this?” He walked closer to me, so close that he was about two inches from my face.

“Get on the bike.” He said with a smirk. I shrugged and straddled the bike. I started to feel a little nervous when I felt him climb onto the bike behind me.

“You okay?” I nodded and started the bike. I had butterflies in my stomach as we took off. It was about a fifteen minute drive back to my house. When we got there, Christian got off and then I did. We stood there for an awkward minute.

“Thanks for the ride back.”

“You are very welcome.” He said, giving me that smile once again. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah. We might as well go in first though, cuz it’s a little chilly.”

“Well,” he said, taking off his jacket, “you probably should have brought a jacket.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He laughed and followed me to my apartment. When I opened the door, I threw my bag on the couch.

“Nice place.” I snorted a laugh and threw my head back.

“It works.” He smiled and sat on the couch next to my stuff. After grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I sat down next to him. “So, what’s this question that you had?” He shifted himself so that he was facing me.

“Well, I was wondering how you have an accent, but you don’t use the same words that I have heard other British people use.”

“I lived here about five years ago, so I had gotten used to how people spoke over here. Then, I went back home and got whatever accent I had lost back. So now, the accent is as strong as ever, but I am used to using American words.”

“Oh. That explains a lot.” I nodded. “Can I ask another question?”
“As long as you don’t ask me if you can ask another question again. Just ask it.”

“Why were you hanging around with my stepbrother earlier?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it took so long. I have a lot going on with school-as a matter of fact, I should probably be doing that stuff right now, but I know that there was a request for this story to be updated ( I <3 you worldclass!) so here it is. I tried to make it a little longer than usual, since people had to wait. As per usual, let me know what you think. The more interested people are, the faster I update.