Status: buuuurn.


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Her smile was by no means happy. It was the bittersweet mixture of pride and mischief, an underlying promise of oncoming mayhem, swimming right beneath her icy gaze. She was a work of art, that one. The girl with the fiery spirit and stinging tongue. Even if her words were saccharine and innocent, there had always been a sensation of ill intent behind each syllable. From the casual comment on the mismatching clothes, to the blatant lie regarding one’s sloppy posture. She was a fresh breath of toxins, ready to infect your immune system and drag you down. Her eyes always shined with naivety, but for some reason, they held the knowledge of age and evil. Her smiles were charming but they always resembled a smirk. It kept the adults delighted and her wicked plans at bay. Oh, they had no idea, did they?

“I like you coat.” She was staring up at me, her wide blue eyes round and shiny - the spitting image of curiosity. I responded with a weak smile. After she had commented on Mrs. Galsey’s weight, I had expected some vile comment regarding anything but my coat.

“Thank you, Amber. That’s very sweet of you.” This time, I actually grinned with genuine gratitude.

Her minuscule smirk was back to business. “It’s a pity that I can’t say the same regarding your scarf.” I pursed my lips. Did this eight year old get a hold on a dictionary and dotted down precise words? One thing was certain, no eight year-old should speak like that. It made us adults sound uneducated and stupid.

“You don’t like my scarf?” I feigned ignorance, blinking twice and looking down at the plain red scarf. “I had thought that black combined well with red.” I gave her a tight smile. “They did teach you the colors at school, right?” Her smirk faltered. Pay-back’s a bitch, huh? I figured.

Amber immediately amended her comment, continuing the innocent façade. “Oh no, Ms. Bird, I actually think it’s very sweet!” I strained the smile another notch. “I just noticed that it was stained with something, and it makes your whole outfit look untidy.” Her grin was genuine, and the pearly teeth reflected nothing but sincerity.

“Yeah, this is a sweet scarf.” I crossed my arms, giving her a full blown grimace. “Wish I could say the same thing about you.” All I was able to see were trembling lips before she left. For a split second, I felt nothing but incredibly guilty for what I did. No glimmer of victory stepped forth, and I felt like a terrible human being.

That is, until she ran up to her mother and started to bawl, pointing at me with exaggerated despair.

I didn’t feel so terrible anymore