One New Message


After fishing through my pockets for what seemed like ages, I finally found the key to my front door. I slid it into the lock, twisted, turned the knob, and the door slid softly open. Swiftly making my way through the apartment, I tossed my backpack in the corner of the entryway, and onto the hardwood floor, said a quick, "Hey," to mom, who was chopping some questionable smelling vegetables in the kitchen, and went right to my room. After flopping onto my bed and pulling my white laptop from underneath my pillow, I opened up my internet browser, went straight to, signed in, and then just waited.

As strange as this routine might seem, this is what I do everyday. You're probably wondering just what it is that I'm waiting for too. Well, there's this girl, and her name is Carinn. We go to school together, but we don't talk there. We save everything we have to say until we get home, where we spend hours talking on myspace IM. We have a few classes together, but again, we never talk at school. Ever.

Carinn Anderson is the girl that everyone loves. She's an artist, she's beautiful, and needless to say, every guy at our high school wants to date her. Out of all those guys, I may just be the only one who wants her because of who she really is.

In my eyes, she's flawless, even though, unlike so many others, I know all about her flaws. She's self-conscious, afraid of the dark, shy, and even a little paranoid. Those are all things that I love about her.

My attention was captured by the little ping which signifies that someone on your friends list has signed on. Barely a moment had passed before I received a message.

Recieved At: 2:54 PM, From: Rinn --
Hey :)

Smiling, I quickly typed up a response, and shifted to a more comfortable position on my bed, knowing that this conversation would most likely last for a very long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such a short chapter. They (might) get longer as I go on.
