The Complications of a Vampire

Dinner News.

After the fight, Aleey realised how hungry she was and moved away from the large crowd congragulating now just Torius. Which was fine by her and she walked into the kitchen alone. The kitchen looked like a slaughter house, meat on hooks, dripping blood and huge walk in fridges at the end of the room. Alley's nose was filled with the juicy, thick, red, metal smell that made her stomach grumble and her mouth water for. She walked over to the huge fridge, stepped in and grabbed a bottle of blood marked O and grabbed a piece of bloody meat (lamb) off the hook as she passed and sat down at the huge round table in the middle of all the meat. Fangs unknowingly started poking into her lips and without thinking another thought she sunk her teeth furousiously into the bloody lamb. Alley knew her eyes colour had changed as soon as she started devouring the lamb. Dark red.

In the distance Alley hear footsteps heading towards the door. The footsteps weren't heavy, they were light, as if the vampire was barely touching the floor. The footsteps she eventually realised were at a quick pace making her ears twitch but she still carried on eating, as if she was not affected by it. The vampire walked in and stands at the door waiting for her to acknolodge him. She didn't feel uncomfortable, she didn't care, her food right now was her main priority.

When Alley finish scavenging down her lamb, she picked up her bottle of O and gulped it in one. It's quickly finished. She closed her eyes after her moment of hunger and felt it pass within a second. Alley frowned but opened her eyes.

"I can hear you fidgeting." Alley stated, which could easily have been mistaken for a low growl.

The man stands there looking quite nervous, "Your brother has returned but it's not good news" The man says and practically runs out of the room.

Alley's eyes widened and she bolted up and out of the room. The vision blurs but she knows the way by heart to her brother's room. As soon as she reached the end of the hall she slammed into a chest, which felt more like a solid metal wall. Alley grunted and staggered backwards a little.

"I don't think you should go in there for...a while" He says holding Alley by her shoulders.

Without even noticing him she shrugs off his hands and swings open the door and find a guy lying on the bed screaming in agony. He looked the same age as Alley and has similar features but what shines out the most about is his appearance is his bloody attire and the scratches that cover most of his face.

Alley sees where most of the of the blood was coming from. She could smell the dead blood oozing from out of his left shoulder. He'd been bitten, badly. Panic revolving around Alley's face, she watched her brother scream in agony as one of the other vampires in the room try to clean the wound.

One of the vampires grabs Alley's arm and moved her back a few steps.

"He was attacked by werewolves and was bitten several times, we are trying to remove all the venom that was injected by the werewolves...but," he sighs "...there is a risk we won't get it all out" The vampire sighs once more.

Rage fills Alley's entire mind at his last sentance and she grabs his neck with her right hand spinning him round up against the wall, his feet 3 inches above the ground. Even though vampires didn't need to breathe, Alley was crushing his throat in her small hand.

"You better get all that venom out, other wise you'll find me inserting rather sharp objects where they don't belong." She hissed and held the vampire for another moment.

"I think he gets the point Alley." Damien said walking over to her.

She beared her fangs, mainly to Damien but never turns to face him. The vampire becomes scared, and starts trying to smack at her hand to stop the pain in his throat. Alley stares down at her right hand almost in a daze but it doesn't last long as she smirks and drops him to the floor.

"Leave us!" The guy screams in agony.

Everyone in the room leaves almost immediatley, including Damien, and Alley turns to face her brother as she closes the door, "You should have told me, Dilan."

Dilan sighs, "If I had told you you would have come and ended up like me. Count yourself lucky I didn't tell you."

"If you had told me you might not have ended up like this!" Alley said restraining her anger.

"Hah wou...ld have ended up" Dilan moans in pain and turns onto his side in agony. Alley walk to his side and stroke his hair.

"You must be hungry" She simply says and he laughs.

The door opens and Damien walks in. He had been waiting outside for things to calm down. "Dilan" he nods holding a glass of blood.

"Damien" Dilan coughs and smiles. Damien moves closer to Dilan and hands him the glass of blood. Alley look at Damien and he doesn't look at back at her.

"How are you holding up?" Damien asks

"I'm alrite" he struggles to say and he drinks the blood. Fangs appear from his teeth and his eyes shine a different colour. He raises the glass to his lips and within the time Alley had to blink, the red liquid was all gone.

"I heard...about your news, congra...gulations," Dilan says to Damien after handing his glass to Alley.

Alley takes the glass putting it down on the side table, gets up and walks to the door.

"Where are you going?" Dilan bursts out in a demanding tone.

"I'm going hunting," Alley simple replies and smiles as she walks out the door.

"Alley! Alley, you get back here!" Dilan shouts from the top of his lungs. "No, Alley! Alley! I'm your older brother! Listen-! Alley!"

"Don't worry, big brother," Alley calls from the hallways, "I'll come back, when I've taken revenge on the dogs that did this to you."


Alley already managed to get into the armery room and stock up on guns. She didn't care about what kind, she just picked up two hand guns and some extra bullets in her side pouch. Alley then walked over to a row of shelves. She traced her finger down them until she came to the one she wanted. She opened it and a tray of knives followed, neatly placed as to not touch eachother, separated by black foam.

Alley picked up the middle knife, which carved into a C at the tip. Perfect for slicing. The blade made from silver, it also had black markings which ran along the blade. Magic markings to give it more power. Alley puts the knife into her right boot, where there's a secret pocket inside.

"Why do you wish to disobey your brother?" Damien asks from behind Alley. She jumps around not having realised he had come in.

You can't stop me, I'm going out to hunt whether you like it or not," Alley protests ignoring his question and starts walking around him but Damien grabs her arm gently stopping her. Intensely, he stares into her eyes, mesmerising her and after a while she fogets about her revenge plan but then images of her bloody and screaming brother enter her mind and she blinks furiously, pulling out of his hold.

"You wont stop me."