The Dark Before Dawn


Vera nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Farley call her name from the living room. She took a moment to catch her breath and then got up and headed for the apartment living room.

Farley had her bags in hand, with a rather sullen look on her face, "I have to go," she said in a feeble, broken voice.

"Oh, Far, I'm so sorry," Vera sighed and walked over to her friend, enclosing her in a giant bear hug. She hated that she wasn't able to get off work to go with her, but that was life sometimes. She needed her job; if she lost it then they probably wouldn't be able to keep the apartment. The girls split the rent down the middle.

Farley sighed and finally Vera managed to tear away from her best friend. "Make sure you text me when you get on and call me when you get off." She said.

Farley simply nodded. "Yeah, I will; don't worry."

"I really wish I could go with you, Farls." She repeated once more. She felt like she had said the line over and over, but she really meant it.

Farley nodded and softly smiled. "I know it's not your fault, Vee." She said, then glanced at the time. "I really have to get going, though," she said finally.

Vera nodded sadly. "Yeah, but like I said, call and text and all that jazz. Keep me updated while you're there," she said with a nod.

"Will do," Farley said. "See ya in a week, Vera."

"One agonizingly long week, at that." Vera pointed out with a grumble. She hated being alone just for a few hours, let alone a week. She'd probably just work double and hang out with some of her other friends; it was the only thing that could keep her sane.

Farley finally managed to exit the apartment, leaving Vera to her own devices. She made sure she had her phone tucked away in her jean pocket, and walked into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed her giant tub of low-fat vanilla yogurt—her "comfort" food—and headed into the living room, picking up the remote along the way.

Well, if she couldn't find someone to hang out with for a while, there was always her set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons she had on DVD, right?
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soo so so so so so sorry for the delay! D:
I went on vacation and when I got back everything got wicked hectic.
please don't hate me!