Behind the Mask

What did you say?

“I” the boy stammered, “I-I” he took a deep breath, “I would love it if you’d go out with me!” he exclaimed as I stared at him. He opened his eyes and looked me as I wore the same expression on my face as I always do. Nothing.

“No.” and then I turned and walked away. Girls whispered as I passed them in the hallway as they always do after I receive a confession.

“She turned down another one.”

“What’s with her?”

“He was cute too.”

“I don’t understand her.”

Of course they wouldn’t understand me we’re nothing alike. Not in appearance, culture, DNA, or species. We live in completely different worlds, why would they understand me? Why would they want to? There is nothing in my life that they would envy if they knew the real me, the real Vivienne Crew. I continued down the hall when an arm came over my shoulder and pulled me into the janitor closet. The light flickered on and I noticed Owen standing in front of me which meant…

“How long are you planning on holding me Ace?” I asked as I got pulled into a hug even tighter and felt Ace rest his head on mine.

“Aw come on Vivi? Try and let a little of your emotions show. What if I’ve been a pervert?” Ace asked still holding onto me.

“You are a pervert.” Owen said as he crossed his arms. Shooting Ace a look to let me go, but all Ace did was whine.

“Will you two please get to the point on why you had to snatch me? You know we aren’t supposed to know each other at school.” I said as I tried to get my foot out of a bucket.

“You’re no fun Vivi.” Ace whined again.

“Can it, Ace. She’s right; we aren’t supposed to be together like this.” He sighed and started rubbing his temples. “Do you know the chaos that would happen if someone were to see us together? How bad the school would go in an uproar? Girls are already pestering enough as it is with all their yapping. I don’t need you to increase the volume of questions coming out of their mouths. I need to study and focus on my work, but I can’t fully do that with girls crawling all over me. So make it quick and explain why you got us together.”

“God, you’re such a party pooper aren’t ya, Owen.” Ace said from over my shoulder as Owen looked at him with a cold stare, “Fine then.” Ace said and then let go of me. “I got a message from Garret.”

“My brother?” I asked puzzled, “Why did he text you?”

“Because apparently your cell was off, Vivi.” Ace stuck his hands in his pockets. A sign that meant he didn’t like what was going on. “He said that Ray wants us. Mainly you V. Lately he has been in a bitchy mood beating up people left and right that the newbies are being cut down. Garret’s scared that he’ll end up killing someone and you know we can’t let that happen. It’s not like we can dump a body.”

“Authorities would be all over our ass.” Owen pushed up his glasses which meant he was taking things seriously. “They already stopped by the place a few times as it is and another body will just bring them back. I swear humans are so bothersome when it involves us. Plus last I check we are assigned a bounty to go after tonight which means we need to be careful.”

“A bounty to collect and a crazed leader to deal with all in one day.” I murmured to myself taking it all in, “I feel as if my head is going to explode.” If only I went to see Ray last night instead of doing my homework. Then my schedule wouldn’t be so packed into one night. I can only imagine what tonight is going to be like with Ray’s blood red eyes staring at me through his messy onyx hair. He’ll probably smell like sweat and iron from the newbies he unleashed his madness on. I took a deep breath and let it out as I fixed myself up straightening my blazer and skirt. Then I turned to Owen and like the perfectionist I am I started fixing his tie. “Ace, I need you to text my brother back and tell him to bring me some clothes that can last a week to the manner.” After I finished fixing Owen’s tie I turned to Ace, “If the situation with Ray is anything like last time I won’t be coming out of there for a while.” Ace nodded and left the room after sticking his head out the door to see if the coast was clear.
I closed my eyes trying to get a grip on my nerves to keep me from shaking. I fear the man I call leader, master, and other things, but I know I can’t let it show. I’m the only one that can keep him sane and it’s my job to be by his side no matter what. I felt a hand plop on my head and I opened my eyes to see Owen looking uncomfortable. He looked straight ahead at the door, but has hand rested on my head.

“Everything is going to be okay. V,” he said but it came out of his mouth awkwardly. He isn’t the kind of guy you go to be comforted and reassured. Still seeing him try and comfort me made me a little happy and it did calm me down somewhat.

“Thank you Owen.” I told him with a small, very small, smile. “I feel somewhat better now.” He looked down at me and let out a long sigh of relief like as if he was holding his breath the whole time.

“Thank God, I honestly didn’t know what to do for a second.” Funny since he’s the one that claims to know everything. “Girls are so complex.”

“It only appears to be that way because boys are on a lower level when it comes to brain development.” I retorted,

“You just killed a nice moment we had going there.”

“It’s what I do.” We walked out of the closet into the hallway together, “As a member of the 13 Knights it’s a given that I kill.”

“No one would expect that of us, you know, with you being the Ice Princess of the school.”

“And you the child prodigy, and not to mention our fellow playboy.” I smirked.

Owen smiled, “To think we’ve spilled blood. Something like that is impossible for people to think.”

“What?” a boy’s voice broke our conversation as we finally noticed someone else with us. Owen’s face darkened and I became my cold self again. I could sense our body language change from causal to threatening as our eyes locked onto the ease dropper.

“Owen” I said and suddenly he was gone from my side and was behind the boy holding him. I walked over to them thinking of what to do when I recognized him. He was the one who sat next to me in class and from time to time drop little notes on my desk to get me to crack a smile. From children jokes to dirty jokes I remember them all when I looked at his frighten face. His eyes locked onto mine and they pleaded for help and mercy, but I know never to respond to such cries. I glanced at Owen and he straightened the boy up and I quickly struck the back of the boy’s neck and he went limp. Owen laid him on the ground and handed me a liquid vial with a special serum for situation such as these. I took it in my mouth and force fed it to the boy making sure he drank it all. I stood up and Owen handed me a tissue to wipe my mouth on.

“What now? “ Owen asked looking down at the boy.

“Leave him. Someone will come and see him thinking he fainted and take him to the nurse. Then we wakes up he won’t remember anything he saw or heard.”

“We should have been more careful.” Owen complained now looking around for anyone else.

“We better part now before anyone else comes around.” I said looking at the clock that hung above the lockers. “The bell rings in five minutes by then we should be in the opposite wings.”

“Fine.” He fixed his blazer and then looked at me, “We meet at four at the usual place.”

“Rex’s,” I nodded.

“Until then, Princess.” Then I walked away heading toward my locker on the other end of the building. Thinking all the way there about Ray, and what to expect when I see him tonight. I stopped in front of a window and saw my reflection kind of tall not short, my brown hair that rested on my shoulder and my cinnamon eyes. Then I saw Ray’s arms come over me in a frightening, power hungry embrace. His eyes mocking me as he wore his sadistic smile while my body shock all over as repeated his favorite words in my ear.

His awful, yet beautiful voice whispering to me like some beautiful nightmare come to life, “My Vivienne, my beautiful fiancé.”