The Birthmark

A Century of Running


I sat, dozing, as the title menu for The Ugly Truth replayed over again.

Just like it’s been doing for the past twenty minutes.

Yawning, I fidget in my seat, the flame retardant blanket crunching with every movement. Why am I currently wrapped in a flame retardant blanket? Because it’s the only thing my powers can’t burn through.

When my powers were first coming in I was forced to wear flame retardant clothing, my bedspreads were flame retardant, and my mother even had to make flame retardant shoes and socks, but now, after having control for so long, I don’t have to surround myself in fear of starting a fire.

So why do I have this blanket? Because it’s the only way Garren can tie me down and know I won’t burn through whatever rope or chair is touching me. We had joked the entire trip home, laughing and enjoying the late evening walk. Even though the subject of him staying home with me didn’t come up again, I was fairly confident that his good mood meant he’d stay.

I was wrong.

The second we entered the house Garren grabbed me, pulling the flame retardant blanket from the coat closet before I could even comprehend what was happening. He’d twisted the blanket around me, tying it together with a long piece of rope, conveniently trapping my arms in a crossed position on my chest. Then he dragged a plastic folding chair and deposited the chair and myself in front of the TV. After that he grabbed more rope and tied my legs and chest to the chair.

Then he turned on The Ugly Truth, mumbled a “Sorry, but I can’t untie one of your arms, so you can’t have ice cream” and left the house, locking the door behind him.

He’s been gone since then, leaving me to sit here all alone while the movie repeats over and over again.

I can understand why Garren tied me up, but that doesn’t me I appreciate it. I actually hate it.

I know that since he was a young child he was trained to be a Protector. Trained to see the things others might miss, to fight with a passion and skill no other is known for, and to protect a being that’s so powerful she could wipe the entire city of Las Vegas, Nevada in less than twenty-four hours.

He’d been born into a world of drugs until the authorities took him in when he was four. At six the group who had trained past Protectors adopted him, and at seven he started his first training sessions.

He never went to a public school; instead he was enrolled into the Association’s private school, where he learned about the history of the Phoenix and those that protected them. At twenty he graduated with the four other Protectors he trained with and two days later met the Phoenix he was to protect.

I know he takes his responsibilities seriously, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to let him manhandle me.

But he is my last Protector left, the Association won’t be able to train another until any child I have turns five. That’s the way it’s been since the first ‘human’ Phoenix. If Garren dies, then The Hunters really have managed to win.

The Hunters tell themselves that by killing the Phoenix they will eliminate global warming. When, by killing me, they’re actually be accomplishing the opposite.

My species helps the world by soaking up a lot of the sun’s rays. If They Hunters were able to kill off the Phoenix global warming would rise twice as high in one year. By the third year Earth would be nothing but charred remains and melted ice.

I sighed as the movie menu repeated once again and I was about to fry the whole DVD system, when Garren came charging into the house.

“Pack your bags.”

I turned to glare at him, an eyebrow raised “And how am I supposed to do that tied to a chair?”

He returned my glare, “Now is not the time for you to be a smart ass.”

I waited while he untied me, but the minute the blanket fell from me I jumped up and punched him in the nose.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?”

“For forcing me to listen to that title menu over and over again, you jack ass.”

I left him holding his nose while I walked away to pack. Just as I was putting my few articles of clothing in a small duffel bag, Garren walked in.

“Look, I’m sorry, but I had to tie you up to make sure you were safe.”

“Yeah, but you could have at least turn the cable on, that way I wouldn’t have had to listen to the same melody again and again.”

Garren placed his duffel next to mine on the bed, shoving his clothes in as I turned to grab our stuff from the bathroom.

“How close are they this time?” I called out.

“Close enough that I want to leave in the next five minutes.”

Rushing back with our things I pack faster, zipping my bag just as he grabbed his. Together we turned for the door, Garren leading as he scanned the area.,” Alright, let’s get moving.”

We practically ran to the Jeep, Garren pressing the unlock button just as I reached the door. He started the Jeep as I buckled my seatbelt, pulling out in a squeal of tires.

“So, where’re we going now?”

Garren shrugged as he pulled onto a busy street, “Don’t know. Guess we’ll let fate decide.”

Great, ‘cause we all know how gracious and kind fate is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooooooo what do you think?

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And comment! I really want to know what you guys think, that way I'll know if I should continue this story or not.