He Is

He is

So this is what you call yourselves? ‘Fans’?
So this is how you honour the person you look up to?
By abandoning him?
Leaving him to sulk over whatever he had done wrong, which is nothing in reality, but every reason for you to bring him down?

I was never stupid or blind.
I saw you looking at him in adoration. Actually, you were even infatuated with this man you had never met. But I never blamed you. I loved him too. I was never in love with him, but I could understand why you (thought you) were.
I saw you squeal whenever he acted sexy and all. You melted whenever he opened his mouth to sing, or to say something.
I saw you drool over his… everything. You believed in him with all your heart.
You would have given up everything for him.

But things have changed now.

He changed his hair again.
He found the kind of love many people don’t ever find in their entire lives, called ‘true love’.
He got married.
He went on to live a life beside the stage.

And you abandoned him for it.

You curse at him. You look down on him.
You think he’s stopped caring, you say he only does it for the money.
You believe he couldn’t care less about us. You say he wouldn’t give a shit if one of us were severely depressed.
You tell everyone about how he forgot the message he used to be all about.
You throw him disappointed looks when you know his eyes are on you.
You would give up everything to break him.

And I, I would do anything to keep you from that.
Loving someone goes deeper than the colour of his hair.
Sometimes, you can love someone you don’t really know so much more than someone you do know.
It doesn’t matter that I don’t know him in person, honestly, if I ever get to meet him, I will be the first one to make sure I won’t invade his private life, but still, this man owns my life.
The music he creates with the band is enough for me. The message they scream, even when they don’t realize it, is larger than anything in this world.
It’s not because his heart has been stolen, that he can’t own mine anymore.
Because he still does. He owns my heart, my soul, my everything.
Honestly, without him, I wouldn’t be here anymore. I owe him so much, you cannot imagine.

Loving someone goes deeper than words.
Sometimes, a stranger singing or playing a song can mean so much more than a friend hugging you. It doesn’t matter how the stranger looks or anything, but the words he strings together with his voice or instruments can create a bond anyhow. It can feel like the stranger, that probably doesn’t even know of your existence, knows you better than anyone else.
Soon enough, you realize that this stranger is what people would call a guardian angel. You never really believed in them, but this sure is a great substitute.

He never was a supernatural hero.
He is a human being, like you and I.

I make mistakes.
So do you. (For example, giving up the faith in him)
And so does he.

Humans are flawed.

He is human, therefore he is flawed.
He makes mistakes, of course he does.
If he were flawless, all perfect, no one would love him.
Really, why would you love someone who already has everything.
You would just be jealous, and that would bring you down, resulting in you hating him for making you feel so bad about yourself.

A hero has to be flawed, in order for you to be able to at least take peace with the fact that you are. A hero has to tell you it’s alright to have problems, because he has them, too. He also has to tell you that you two are not the only ones who do.
He has to tell you you’re not alone. He has to convince you that people care, and if they stop caring, he still will.
He has to make you look back to your life so far, and make you able to say “well, it was somewhat worth it.” He will make you see that it’s not always that bad, and that things will get better, as long as you believe.
He’ll make you realize that high school doesn’t last forever. He is proof that the outcasts, the loners, end up getting the better lives afterwards.

He is what keeps you breathing through rough times.
He is what makes you pull your hand away from the knife in your drawer again.
He is your dream, your wake-up call and the vehicle you go to school or work with, he is the paper you write on.
He is the smile on your face. He is the beating of your heart. He is your thinking.

He is you.

Believing in him, is believing in yourself.
Thanks to him, you can live your life again.
Thanks to him, you can be yourself again.

Being yourself is winning at life.
More than those who pretend to be someone else.

Thanks to him,
You are you.
You live your life.

You keep the faith.
In him.
Thanks to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do realize that somewhere in the story I change some stuff in the 'I' and 'You' thing going on, but whatever, haha. Hope you enjoyed my train of thoughts.