Suicidal Education

Chapter five

"Thank you again Mrs. Way. Dinner was delicious." I pushed my plate ofhalf eaten spaghetti away from me.

"You're welcome honey, but you hardly touched it." She replied concerned.

"Oh, I haven't had much of an appetite today." I'd been using that excuse since I was fifteen.

She fell for my lie and nodded as she finished the last bit of food on her plate. She reminded me a lot of my own mother. At least from what I can remember about her.

"So which one of my sons are you dating again?"

My face flushed violent red and I nervously picked at my fingernails.

"She's not dating us Dad. She's just a friend we met in the park." Gerard saved me from the rather embarrassing explanation of how we met.

"Ah, well you better step up your game. This one's a pretty little thing."

If possible, my cheeks got redder.


"I was just saying that a girl like her probably had no problem getting a boyfriend. That's all."

A boyfriend was the last thing on my mind. Especially considering what the last one turned out to be.

Mrs. Way looked threateningly at her husband one more time before getting up to clear the table.

"Again Dad, she's just a friend." The brothers rolled their eyes and left the dining room, leaving me alone (besides their dad) and confused.

Did they want me to follow them?

I finally got my answer when Mikey stuck his head back in the room and beckoned me to come with him.

My God, they were such a bizarre family. Yet I envied them with every fiber of my being. (Okay maybe not that much. But I think you get what I mean.)
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I've been gone forever and sorry that this is so fucking short.
I have issues.