Suicidal Education

Chapter seven

If there is one golden rule for sneaking into your house after curfew it’s NEVER. EVER. FORGET. THE. KEY. Of course, I had to learn that lesson the hard way.

Gerard, being the sweet guy that he is, waited in his car to make sure that I made it into my house safely. He was treated with an opportunity to watch me fumble pathetically, and in vain, for my keys. The bright side of that, I guess, would be that there would be a witness for when my step-mother murdered me in cold blood on the porch. I was forced to ring the doorbell to my immediate hell.

My stomach started to turn somersaults when I heard the lock click and the door slowly start to open. Fuck religious values, the bitch was definitely going to get revenge for the scene I made earlier. Catholic people could be so damn spiteful.

“Amanda Lee O’Donnell, you scared me half to death! It’s 2:30 AM, three hours past your curfew. Oh my goodness, what would your father say?” my step-mother appeared clad in her fuzzy kitty pajamas, hands on her hips, her lips pursed. She was clearly furious.

She tried to drag me inside but I shoved her off me and quickly turned to blow Gerard, who was still watching from his car, a kiss before he drove away. The action had the desired effect. The fact that I got a ride home from a guy sent my step-mother into prayer mode.

It was her own passive aggressive way of letting me know what she really thought of me.

“Dear Lord, please help guide this unfortunate child and save her young, naïve soul from the temptation of sin and the fires of hell.” Even though she had her eyes shut and her hands clasped together, I knew she was just saying the “prayer” for my benefit.

“I’m not going to fucking hell!” I was pissed. She really needed to stop attacking me through Jesus.

“Not if I have any say in the matter! And bite your tongue. That language is not flattering for young girls.” She replied, acidly.

“You… whatever, I’m going to bed.” Starting more conflict wasn’t the smartest thing to do if I ever wanted to see the outside world again, so I ignored her remarks.

“Oh no you’re not young lady-” she seized my arm, unexpectedly, and dug her acrylic claws into my flesh. “-we haven’t discussed your punishment!”

“You’re hurting me!” I yelled, attempting to break her vice-like grip.

“You could benefit from a good whacking; maybe the pain will knock some sense into that head of yours!” she sneered.

“Let go!”

“I’ve arranged for you to do lawn and house work at Auntie Cathy’s house to make up for your nasty attitude. Also, you’re grounded for the rest of the summer, so you can sit by yourself and reflect on your flaws.” She finally released my arm and shoved me to the stairs.

“I’ve had enough of you tonight,” she said, dismissively.

“That goes double for me, you evil bitch!” I replied a little too loudly and then rushed up to my room before she could even retort.

I was livid. What right did that gold-digging whore have to enslave me for my entire summer vacation? She’s practically asking me to rebel against her now.

So, if she thought I was just going to lie down and take her “punishment” she had another fucking thing coming to her.

This meant war.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not too many people read this story, but oh well.... I like it, so I'm going to continue posting it as the mood suits me.
Thanks for reading!
Comments would be way sweet.
And sorry for the terrible wait.