Status: Completed!

Getting the Best of You

Eye Wonder

Finished the last Harry Potter book in four hours; started it at 12:20 am to 4:20 in the morning. This effects me to wake up at lunchtime. What time does Rupert said Dan would pick me up?


Thank you!

For wasting at least ten minutes, I tried to get off my comfortable---ahh, damn---bed. However, with luck running out, I fell back onto the bed. Thanks to Mom that she had super senses on my actions, she went into my room and said, "Dan Rad will attack you with his awesomeness powers if you don't get up!" Like every mother, Mom pulled my feet to get me out of bed but I held onto the header, tightly. It's like seeing a Freaky Friday parody.

After a total waste of five more minutes, I gotten myself out along with my disarray hair and walked off to the bathroom with my necessities. After the warm water woke me up and I got dressed and such, I went downstairs to eat lunch but something, particularly someone, was in the kitchen as well. Moreover, it's not Mom. If anyone was clueless on this, the clue will be the happy person.

Yes! It is Danners Rad O' Clifford! Translation, “Happy Dan Radcliffe”. He was wearing his usual jeans and a white 'Rocker' shirt covered by a black suit jacket with black chucks. Eating the chips (Amer. Eng: fries) that was for me, he was oblivious that I was there, and looking around the room until his blue sparkling eyes set on my brown eyes.

"Hey Jane Kyle Strom, how you do," Dan said with a playful grin.

"Peachy, Daniel Jacob Radcliffe. And you?" I play along.

"Fine," he spoke with a chip in his mouth. "I thought you hate junk food," I smirked. He looked down at the fry in his mouth and smiled, "I said that, didn't I?"

"Ha! Busted, Nigel Planter!"

"Like I said again, I'm no loser!"

"Well, losers, like yourself, lose their power once they do the opposite of what they said like a," I did a sign language of 'hypocrite' by placing my left hand over the right one and bent the hands downward.

"What is that? If it presents 'hypocrite' or something that relates to it, I am not one. I like fish 'n chips so don't think you've caught me." Then Dan went back for one more chip until I slapped him on the hand, "Save some me."

"Oh and Happy Birthday, Janie," Dan smiled. "Today, we're going to the London Eye."

"London Eye," I repeated between bites of my French fries. "Hmmm, isn't some Ferris wheel or something?"

"Yeah," Dan said shyly as he checked the clock above me. "Come on, we have to go."

I took one more chip before Dan dragged me.

*Now In front of the London Eye*

This is no Ferris Wheel!

Technically, it is but it have capsules instead of gondolas, I read it on Wikipedia.

Why I did not remember that?

You were dozing off.


My confused face made Dan's eyes sparkled as he laughed, "Welcome to the London Eye, Madam Janie." He brought his left arm to me like a young man. I, acting like a young woman, linked my right arm with his happily, as he paid 30.00 Euros/Pounds to get us up into the capsule.

The moment we moved up with a good amount of ten people with us, we looked at the scenery through window as Dan told me some placed we just spotted. "That over there is Wembley Stadium; there is Cleopatra's Needle, and et cetera, et cetera, since I don't feel like continuing."

I faced Dan, grinning, "Ha. Thank you Tennis Ball Eyes," I hugged him by the right side as he leaned a bit.

"No problem," Dan grinned back.

We continued to look at the enormous scenery until someone asked Dan if she could have his autograph. It was cute; that someone was a little girl at the age of four fumbling with a book and pen. Dan, being himself, says sure and asked her name, which was Emily, and signed the inside of the book.

Emily asked Dan something so personal and hilarious, "Is that your girlfriend? She's pwetty."

Dan, stunned, was not able to answer so I did with a small chuckle. "Thank you for calling me pretty but no, I'm not Dan's girlfriend. We're only friends."

"Oh," Emily pondered. "Okay, and thanks for the autogwaph!" Emily collected her book and pen and rushed up to her parents.

Dan was able to come back from the stunning and looked back at the scene of London below us.

"Thanks," he managed to say.

I nodded in understanding as I too watched the scene and looked up at the beautiful blue sky.

You know, the blue sky always remind me of Dan; calm, collected, and cool.

Do not forget that he is funny and constantly smiling.

Too true.

Yeah. Too bad I have to go back to Florida in two weeks.

Do you have to kill the moment?


The ride of the London Eye made me wonder how everything will turn out for Dan and I when I have to go back. I shook my head a little, I do not want to think about it right now. Today is my birthday and I should make it worthwhile.

The ride was finally over and Dan and I walked off towards the bridge over Thames, talking about music and our family's lifestyle and other random things. I even sang a tune of 'Photograph' by Nickelback before Dan asked me about them.

Everything went well as we went through the busy streets and went to a small, casual restaurant (we don't want to look like sore thumbs, mostly me) and ate a Caesar Salad (wanna keep a slim figure, ha!) and left with plastic cups filled with soda in our hands.

"Ew, you drink Diet Coke?" I asked in disgust.

"What's the problem with Diet Coke?" Dan asked with his bushy, eyebrows furrowed.

"The drink tastes like they just added water with the original and its 'die' with a 't'!" I waved a little.

"Well, I didn't criticize your Kool-Aid mixed with Fanta Grape." Dan exclaimed.

"Gah, you're right. I shouldn't criticize Diet Coke," I acted defeated.

"Thank you," Dan nodded as he sipped his drink.

"I should criticize the dolt who drinks it!" I raised my fist in the air.

"I'm not a dolt!"

"Yes, you are. You're my dolt, Danny-wanny."

"Bah humbug."

"Seriously, sometimes I think you hangout with my mom more than me."

Dan smiled and looked at me with admiration. "No offense, but you are the dottiest person I've ever met. One moment you're cool and clumsy and then the next you are filled with jeer and sarcasm."

"Well---" I started to say.

"And that's splendid characteristics to me," Dan ended his statement with a cute smile.

I think that is the sweetest, and maybe the most scorching in a weird way, thing he ever said to me.

"Thanks, I never knew my personality can interest a person," I rubbed my back nervously as a blush comes up to my cheeks. I drank my mixed soda to cool down as Dan and I waited for the Double Decker.

So far, so good, so let us make the happiness show!
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Sorry about the money conversion issue of the London Eye.