Sequel: My Life For Hire
Status: Completed. Sequel up.



I looked at the five pregnancy tests I had lined up along the bathroom counter. All of them read positive.
Addie came in. "Mommy, is everything okay?"
I looked at my beautiful daughter through my tears. "No, baby, nothing's okay. I think, I think we're gonna have to leave. And I don't think we're going to come back this time."
"Why, Mommy? I don't want to leave Daddy and Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Bri-"
"Mommy's going to have a baby, Addie. And Daddy can't know."
"Isn't it Daddy's baby, too?"
"Sweetie, it's Daddy's baby. But I don't want him to know that he has another kid."
"Why not?"
"Just because, okay?!" I yelled. Addie's eyes immediately starting tearing up. She ran out of the room bawling.
I walked to Zack and I's room and began packing. I didn't take much, just enough to last back to the east coast. I wasn't going to go back to Cherry Hill, because they knew that's where I used to live. Maybe I'd try Hershey, PA, seeing as there was plenty for Addie to do there. I stuffed some of Addie's clothes into the bag, as well, along with a few pictures of Zack and I, and the three of us. Before I turned the light off, I scribbled a quick note for Zack.
"C'mon Adele Renee, let's go before Daddy comes home."
She reluctantly fell into step behind me as I grabbed my car keys and locked the door, turning my back on my best friends once again.
We hopped in the car and left for our next destination, never to return again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is terrible. I know. But it's finally over. I'd like to thank my readers, subscribers, and commenters for helping get this to ten stars. I promise you the sequel is much better. I'm going to post that here immediately. Go subscribe here right now; you won't regret it.