Sequel: My Life For Hire
Status: Completed. Sequel up.



Zacky's POV
Even though I was pissed beyond belief, I wanted to see Adele. My daughter. I smiled as I thought of her name.
"Zacky, stop it!" Kari yelled at me. I set down the snowball I had already prepared.
It was a cold day in January, and Kari and I were enjoying the snow that had fallen. It wasn't too often there was snow in SoCal.
We collapsed into a huge pile of snow. I took her hands in mine.
"I love you, Karmen Night. With all of my heart."
"I love you, too," she whispered.
It was the first time I ever told someone I loved them.
"What's your favorite girl's name?" I opened my mouth, but was interrupted by her. "And don't you dare say Kari."
I laughed.
"I really like the name Adele. It seems like a very graceful name."
"Graceful?" she asked incredulously.
I playfully hit her arm. "I was having a moment, sheesh."
We just stared at each other smiling for a while.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was still in love with her. I loved everything about her. The way her hair curled as humidity grew, how she pouted when she wanted something, the shocking blue of her eyes, the way she didn't care about what people thought of her.
But, of course, I had to go and be a dick and ruin any chance of actually being with her again.
Why, though?
I hated her. She kept this huge secret from me. She doesn't trust me enough to tell me that we have a fucking daughter.
Emotions, they suck.
By now, I was back in the house. Everybody looked at me with sympathy.
"Is everything okay?" Val finally asked.
I shook my head. "Where's Addie?"
Jimmy brought her in. I loved his ability to bond with anybody, no matter their age.
"Can I, you know, hold her?"
Jimmy nodded and handed her to me. She smiled at me.
"Hi, baby girl," I whispered.
"Hi," she replied, her smile growing.
"You can call me Daddy," I told her.
I smiled. "That's it, sweetheart."
There was quite a gathering watching us. I put Adele down and kissed her forehead.
Finally, someone I loved more than the girl I hated.
My daughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwh, it's all sappy. (:
I thank my commenters and subscribers, you guys are amazing.
By the way, I'm still looking for a banner......

Thoughts, comments, questions?