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She Can't Read Minds

even if it'd mean i'd be a cat lady

Bridget laughed, “Jenna, what channel is show on? It’s amazing.” I rolled my eyes as they joked with each other regarding my life. Leslie sat on my bed, reading through a magazine carefully. Things were kind of different between us; some back to normal, others would never be back to normal. “Seriously, Leslie, what’s up with your brother?”

“I don’t know,” She shrugged, turning the page, “are you sure he was so calm, Miranda?” I groaned, falling back onto my bed and shaking my whole body. They watched me with careful faces; I normally do this-a sort of freak out thing- when times just got rough. It made me think time would rewind and I’d wake up from a dream. “Cause calm, my brother, and your presence, don’t normally mix well.”

“I don’t know.” I grumbled.


“I don’t know!” I snapped, jumping off my bed and sliding toward the door with my sock clad feet. This was all too confusing. “I’m fucking confused, okay? I don’t like this.” I felt a flinch then every part of my body felt like it shouldn’t have been there or like there was something covering me up. I just didn’t like the feeling. “Why-How-I don’t get how all this can happen and someone can just sit in a closet with somebody and act so fucking calm?”

“Miranda,” Jenna piped in a small voice, “do you even know if-” her eyes flickered to Leslie who watched her with a raised eyebrow, “-what some people have told you is true?” I put my head in my hands, plopping down almost in Bridget’s lap. She hugged me, rubbing my back to make me feel better.

“Just say it, Jen.” Leslie told her, rubbing her temples with the magazine now resting in her lap.

“Fine,” Jenna shrugged, “how do you know if Markus is dating Nellie? Maybe the people who said it don’t want you two together.” I lifted my head and looked at Leslie who stared down at her magazine like it was a golden goddess. I’m an idiot. Bridget coughed beside me.

“Is she, oh I don’t know, telling the truth?”

Leslie laughed, closing her magazine and sliding over to me. She grabbed my hands and lifted me up, wrapping me into an awful hug. “You really like him, don’t you?”

I shoved her away, “No, I don’t.” Curse my defensive side. Bridget moved onto my bed along with Jenna, leaving me and Leslie standing. “I mean, I do, but-bah!” Leslie sighed, leaning against my bed instead of sitting on it. She crossed her arms against her chest and watched me. “Why are you all against me?”

“We aren’t.” Jenna said, shaking her head slowly.

“Yeah, we really aren’t.” Bridget shook her head as well.

Leslie agreed with them, “You’re just confused, love, and you’re going insane cause someone told you something that broke your heart.” She hugged me; this time I just limply hugged her back. I didn’t want to fight anymore. I wanted everything to be back to normal, even if it means I grow into an old cat lady. “If it helps, Markus is downstairs with Will.”

I stared at them giving me looks, “I feel like you’re hinting at something and I’m just missing it.” Then they laughed at me standing there confused and oblivious.

“Go talk to Markus.” Bridget chuckled.

“But guys, that still doesn’t solve the Cal problem.” I said, heading toward the door cautiously. On the outside I looked calm; on the inside, I was near pissing my pants.

“Cal problem?” Leslie asked, “What Cal problem?”

“We’ll tell her,” Jenna smiled to me, “you go talk to Markus.”

I could puke.
♠ ♠ ♠
if this sucks, blame football. :) and my ipod. and my friend(not so much him.)

New story I dont know when i'll begin on it but check it out anyways.