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She Can't Read Minds

pretend to be a man and you better treat me right

A movie? With Nellie and Markus and Griffin and Leslie and oh my. That sounds like a barrel of not a lot of fun. We all sat on the floor of my room playing a board game after Leslie and came back with Cal. They seemed to be quick friends, but he was super nice and funny. Then dinner was awkward; Bob trying to keep the topic on the many beers he’s drank, Lucas trying to get off that topic, and my mom sitting there like an idiot just laughing at it all. She really liked this guy. Damn. Everyone else just got off into their conversations; mine with Cal. See nice dude.

Nellie tugged Markus off to where she wanted him to sit--the first row. Leslie tugged Cal in one of the last and highest rows of the theater. I sat down near the middle with Griffin who barely spoke a word to be other than “hey”. In other sarcastic words, my night was exciting. The mice were squeaky and looked to be extremely fluffy; the couple was adorable and well cartoon-ed.

“Miranda, psst,” someone whispered, throwing a popcorn kernel at the back of my head, “turn around pretty girl. Turn around, little one.” I turned to see Cal giving me the classic “save me” look, but there was no way I’d do that. Griffin turned as well and shushed Cal with a glare. He then glared at me as well, turning back to the film.

“I’ll be right back,” I told Griffin, “I, uh, gotta pee.”

He chuckled, “Didn’t need to know that, Andi.” Bi-polar people scare me. Griffin was freaking me out; first all grumpy, now suddenly all happy and chuckling. I stood up, glancing at Cal who raised an eyebrow at my movement and nudged my chin. He mouthed ‘oh’ and leaned over to the whisper something to Leslie. She caught my gaze, gave me a confused look, but let Cal go nonetheless. He may possibly be my sudden, random best friend. Speaking of best friends, I should call Jenna and Bridget, I thought walking down the stairs.

Standing out in the lobby area, Cal and I watched all the people. Some on dates, some with friends, some with family, and some by themselves. Those people tried to play it cool like whatever, so what I’m by myself, but their faces would always fall when they looked at the smiling faces around them. Cal sighed, turning to me with a weird face. I laughed, “How‘s Leslie going?”

“Good, and Griffin?”

“Amazing,” I lied, smiling, “he’s so funny and…”

“You’re having a horrible time, aren’t you?” Cal asked, seeing through my lie. I thought it was pretty good, pretty convincing. But I nodded, leaning my head onto his shoulder. Cal laughed, patting my back. “It’s okay, so am I. Leslie’s not as fun as I thought she was. She keeps shushing me for talking to her or laughing at wrong but funny moments.”

I laughed, “Like when Ruffles fell into the toilet and a big hairy man know.” Cal laughed, nodding. That part was so funny, but no one laughed at it. Come on, it’s funny when a cute little brown mouse falls into the toilet hiding from the male main character and some guy almost, yeah. Let’s not get into detail. “We should probably get back in there before they worry.”

“Sure, but one thing,” Cal replied, unzipping his hoodie and handing it to me, “put that on and keep up the hood. I’ll take this from your wrist and,” he pulled my hair tie from my wrist and tied back his copper colored hair much like a girl would, “there. Now pretend to be a man damn it and you better treat me right!” I chuckled, slipping on his hoodie over my own and leaving the black clothed hood over my light brown hair. The two sweatshirts made me look pudgy. “Take my hand and tell me I’m pretty.”

Laughing, I grabbed his hand, “You’re the prettiest girlfriend I’ve ever had.” Cal giggled, and swatted at me. Impressive, his girly acting skills. We entered movie theater quietly, turning our heads away from the staring audience. “Give me your phone, hun. I gotta make sure you’re not cheating on me.”

I rolled my eyes at him, handing over the phone nonetheless, “Clingy girlfriend.” Cal gasped at me, smacking my arm. He sent Leslie and Griffin(Leslie gave me his number when they left last night after dinner) the text message saying he was held up in the bathroom and something about number two. I found it to be a funny text message if I do say so myself. That we’d try to be back as soon as possible and the reason I was waiting for him to be done is because I was waiting in a rather long line to get more popcorn. They both sent back okay, whatever messages. The movie “date” got a lot better after that, trust me.
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update numberr two! :) && meet Cal! Do you like Cal? I do. (:

if things happen suddenly and randomly, like Markus's decision to move on, it's because thats what everyone's thought at least once in a time like that. (doesn't mean it'll work)

my new story: at the stroke of midnight checkitout!checkitout!