Status: Check out my new story: Two Worlds Collide|| Stats for SCRM: Readers: 608; Subscribers: 116; Comments: 103

She Can't Read Minds

so take that shovel and dig a hole with it

“Oh god,” Bridget laughed, holding up her cup of apple juice with the straw lingering between her lips, “why didn’t you take any pictures? This would have been such a better story with pictures.” After deciding I needed to spend some time with them, Jenna and Bridget met me at the mall the next day. We went to all the stores we love the most, bought too much stuff, and ended the trip in the food court where we probably ate too much. I caught them up on everything about Markus, Leslie, Griffin, Nellie, and mostly about Cal. He wanted to come along too, but I told him it was bra shopping time. Quickly he voted against joining us to instead play videogames with Markus and Will. “Why weren’t we invited to this movie?”

“You know why, Bridge.” Jenna sighed, moving her straw up and down in her cup to make it produce an annoying sound. I scrunched up my face in confusion when they shared an understanding glance a cross the table. Jenna looked at me, “After you went off by your brother, Leslie told us about the new neighbors and how-”

“-how she could replace us with them. That we were just bothering you guys, clinging to you guys and what not. So I guess she was being serious about it all, huh Jen?” Bridget glanced up at her blonde friend with a sad face. Jenna pursed her lips, nodding.

“Oh, I’m sorry guys,” I told them, “I didn’t know. Really, I didn’t. If I would have, I wouldn’t have agreed to go on the stupid movie date thing and told her off like the b-” They laughed at my rambling while Bridget covered my mouth with her hand.

“It’s alright, Andi, really. We figured you wouldn’t know.” Jenna smiled, shrugging. That makes me feel better. “Now, about this Cal guy, when are we gonna meet him? He seems like so much fun and so funny.” I shrugged my shoulders, looking up above theirs heads to see none other than Cal himself. He waved to me, laughing as he walked up to us. I pointed at him and they turned. “That’s him I’m guessing.”

“I’m guessing you’d be right.”

“Why hello there Miranda, I didn’t know you’d be here.” Cal gasped, sitting down beside me and smiling. Bridget and Jenna studied him with careful eyes. I rolled my eyes as he hugged me, pulling me close to him. “Hello, I’m Cal and you ladies are?”



“Pretty names, pretty girls, who woulda thought.” Cal smiled, glancing at each girl before turning to me with a know-it-all smirk. “So how was the bra shopping? Buy anything I can burrow?” He winked at me, reaching toward the bags he figured were mine and looking through them.

“I don’t think you’ll fit in them, Cal, but feel free to be jealous.” I said, watching him grab things and scan them before tossing them back into the bag. He looked at me, saying, “I don’t plan on burrowing and wearing any of this stuff, hun, till you get better taste. Luckily, my birthday’s in March so you still have time to enhance your tastes. I was thinking more light blue and blacks, maybe some of those dresses…what are they called? Spring…Summer…”

“Sundresses?” Bridget suggested.

“That’s it! Thank you, Bridget. I love you dearly, though I really don’t know you at all and you could, in reality, be a murderer determined to kill me.” He spoke with a serious face until he stopped talking and grinned from ear-to-ear, tipping his head to the side. I smacked him; not sure why, but I did. Cal smacked me back, lightly of course. “And you said I was a clingy girlfriend, well, bitch, you’re an abusive boyfriend. So take that shovel and…dig a hole with it.” Wow. Lame, I thought. He turned to Jenna and did a thumbs up but she gave him a thumbs down. “Harsh, Jen-Jen, harsh.”

“Okay,” I spoke up, “now that we all question Cal’s sanity and comeback ability, how bout we go home and sit around like lazy bums?” That’s exactly what we did.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's official...Cal is amazing and I love him. He's my favorrrite!

that'll be all. Over and out(: