Status: only one chapter left! :)

Took The Keys

night of

Once I had calmed down, Ryan had coaxed the story out of me using some hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows. After I got it all out, he had this look that I couldn’t decipher.

I tried to ask him about it, but he played it off.

For about twenty minutes, we talked about our best friend before I decided to head to bed.

I laid there thinking over everything.

I didn’t know that I had actually fallen asleep until my phone’s vibration woke me up around midnight.

I blinked a few times before rubbing my eyes. I sat up and turned on the lamp next to my bed. Picking up my phone, I pressed ‘SEND’. “Joey?” I answered, groggily.

“Hey,” he slurred in reply.

I sat up and turned on the lamp next to my bed. “Joey, where have you been?”

“Where’ve I b’n?” he echoed. “I’ve b’n at that guy Kraggerman’s.”

I sighed. “Joey, what were you doing at Kraggerman’s house?”

“Havin’ a drink after this evenin’,” he continued to slur.

It all came rushing back to me when he mentioned earlier: the question, my rejection, his reaction, our fight, everything. A bag crinkling in the background brought me back to the present.

“You’re not still drinking, are you?” I asked cautiously.

“’Course not, Sophie,” he replied as the sound got closer to the microphone.

I got out of bed and started to change into my outfit from earlier today. “Where are you, Joey?”

“Why should I ‘ell you?” he responded.

“This isn’t a game, Joseph. Where. Are. You,” I stated sharply.

“Jeez, Sophie,” he slurred. “I’m in the meadow.”

“Okay, Joey. Stay on the line with me, okay?” I asked, knowing his tendency to be irrational.

“Soph, I’m not a ‘ittle kid,” he replied, defensively.

“I know that, Joey. I just wanted to talk to you more,” I replied gently, pulling my jeans on.

I jumped as the phone suddenly smacked something. “Joey?!”

Next thing I heard was the dial tone.

I finished dressing as quickly as possible. After slipping on my sneakers, I rushed downstairs, putting my hair into a ponytail on the way.

I ran past Joey’s truck in the driveway. I raced towards our childhood hangout as I pounded out a text to Ryan.

Joey’s in the meadow. He’s been drinking. Gone to talk to him. Be back soon.

The full moon’s bright light illuminated my path as I ran.

Not that I would have needed it; the route was basically written on the back of my hand.

The old wheat field was discovered during our ‘explorer’ days. It always died in the winter and grew back in the summer; because of us, the middle of the field never really grew back due to spontaneous naps and hide-and-seek games out there.

I spotted his dark hair standing out from the yellowed crop. “Hey, Joey,” I whispered, approaching him slowly.

He didn’t register my voice as I crept closer.

“Joey?” I whispered, kneeing down to touch his shoulder.

He didn’t react to my touch and simply continued to stare at the moon.

“You okay, Joey?”

“How could you?” he asked suddenly.

“What?” I asked, confused from his tone on the phone to now.

His piercing blues turned to glare at me. “I’m sober, Sophie.” He held up his hand to reveal an old chip bag. “Sounds just like a brown bag.”

I stared at him, trying to search his eyes for some clue.

He sighed. “Sophie, I love you so much. I have no idea how to prove to you how much I love you,” he spoke quickly before taking my face into his hands. “Do you have any idea how much I need you?”

I felt his blues searching my own greys to find answers. I slowly closed my eyes before replying. “Joey, I love you too, but like I said before I have a boyfriend.”

He growled, releasing me. “Your boyfriend? Do you have any idea what he’s really like?” Joey asked.

I didn’t reply.

I felt him stand up and start to pace. “He picks on all of the underclassmen during mixed practice days. He treats girls like crap. He’s just such a jerk and you don’t even see it!” he practically shouted at me.

I opened my eyes and stood up to face him. “Joey, don’t be an asshole.”

Joey rounded on me in the moonlight. “Me? I’m the asshole now?”

I clenched my fists and turned my face up to glare at him. “You don’t know how sweet he can be! You don’t know what his life has been like! You don’t know anything about him!” I shouted back at him. “You don’t know him like I do!”

Joey glared right back at me. “You’re right; I don’t know him,” he agreed. “But I do know you, Sophie,” he continued, grabbing my shoulders tightly.

“And honey, he doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t know the spark or the dreams that lay in front of you like I do. He won’t love you the way I do.”

I looked up into his eyes and saw the determination in them.

Before I could say anything, Joey pulled me into the longest kiss of my life. He pulled me close and was so gentle, I didn’t want to pull away; I was lost in my best friend’s embrace and I couldn’t break free.

We finally broke apart after a few moments.

“Don’t you see?” he asked, resting his forehead against mine. “I could be so much more for you than him.”


“Yeah, Sophie?”

I was so confused. I did the first thing I could think of.

I slapped him, right across his face.

The look on his face was so painful, I couldn’t believe I had done that.

“I-I-,” I tried to say something, but the tears started to pour over.

I turned and ran down towards the house, leaving my best friend behind with a red mark spreading across his face.

Once I made it into the house, I slammed the front door and slid down to the floor, tears cascading down my face.

I jumped a mile in the air when I felt arms around me.

I registered who it was before I cried into Ryan's shoulder for the second time today.

He waited until the sobs subsided before he spoke.

“What happened, Sophie?”

I shook my head, hiccuping. “Not right now, I need to clear my head first.”

Ryan sighed. “Fine, but don’t think you’re getting out of this.”

“Hey, where’s Dad?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“He’s stuck at the office working on some big pro-”

Ryan was cut off as we heard an extremely loud crash.

We looked at each other before racing to the front door and going outside.

Next to the woods, a large column of fire and smoke could be seen.

“Oh my god,” I whispered, in shock.

“Sophie, stay here,” Ryan said, running into the house to call 911.

I was frozen in shock for a few more seconds. I slowly looked around and saw that Joey’s truck wasn’t in the driveway. “Oh my god,” I whispered again.

I didn’t wait for Ryan as I turned and ran back to the shed. I threw open the double doors and grabbed a set of keys from the rack before I jumped onto the ATV. I flew out of the shed and down the drive.

Turning right, I looked ahead to see the flames growing larger. I revved the engine and sped down to the fire.

As I got closer, I was able to make out two vehicles. My worst fear was realized when I recognized Joey’s truck.

“No!” I screamed as I stopped the ATV a few yards away from the accident.

I ran towards the truck and looked around trying to find him. “Joey! Joey!” I called, turning in circles in the middle of the accident after not finding him in the cab.

I collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down my face.

“Don't give up yet, Sophie.” I heard a very soft whisper over the loud flames.

I looked up, startled and searched for the voice. "Mom?"

I stood up and surveyed the surrounding area. "I won't give up. I can't give up now."

I spotted him several feet into the woods.

“Joey!” I screamed, running over to him.

His face had a few burns and his hair was burned a little, but his arms and legs were burned pretty badly. His clothes looked stuck to him.

“Joey, Joey, Joey,” I whispered over and over.

When he didn’t reply, I felt for a pulse.

Faint. Very faint.

“Joey, hang on. Oh, please hang on. Help’s on the way, Joey,” I whispered, fearfully. “Keep your eyes open, honey. Just hold on.”

I held him and continued to talk to him until I heard the ambulance and fire trucks.

“See, help’s here, Joey! Just hold on a little longer,” I whispered.

His eyes dangerously close to falling closed.

“We’re over here!” I started yelling when I spied a uniform.

Ryan must have been looking for us too because when I yelled, he came running.

“Over here! They’re over here!” he shouted, coming down to us.

“Sophie, are you two okay?”

I didn’t answer him. I just kept talking to Joey.

“There’s Ryan! See, you’re going to be fine, Joey. You’re going to be okay!” I whispered optimistically.

Tears welled in my eyes once again as the EMTs came down after him.

“See, everything’s going to be okay, Joey!” I kept talking as they put him on the stretcher and Ryan filled them in on his information.

I couldn’t hear anything as I followed them up to the ambulance. I continued talking to him.

“Ryan’s going to go take care of Brandon and I’m going to stay with you, okay Joey?” I told him, taking his hand in mine. “Don’t you give up now, Joey; they’re going to help make you all better,” I reassured him as his blues staring into my greys.

“Joey? Can you hear me?” I asked as his eyes slid shut. “Come on, Joey! Open your eyes, honey.”

The ambulance lurched forward and the paramedics set to work, but I still couldn’t hear anything; only his shallow breathing and faint heartbeat.

He turned his face to look at me, pain evident on his face. “Soph,” he mouthed.

I smiled, tears running down my face. “I’m here, Joey. I’m here,” I whispered. “You’re going to be okay. Just stay with me, Joey.”

I felt him squeeze my hand weakly. I didn’t allow it to show on my face. “Come on, Joey, you can beat this. We’re almost there.”

Slowly, his brilliant blue eyes closed.

Fear raced through me.

“Open your eyes. You’re strong; you can beat this!” I said, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. “Remember? You took us to states and won last year! Even after that huge player practically killed you! You’re strong!”

“Joey, can you hear me?” I whispered, fear strong in my mind.

His eyes fluttered open for a moment.

I leaned in close and kissed his cheek. “I love you. I love you so much, Joey. I can’t explain it. That’s why I slapped you. I love you. I love you,” I whispered into his ear.

His hand squeezed mine so weakly I almost cried.

“Come on, Joey. You can hold on. You can do this,” I whispered, tears bubbling up in my throat. “You’re strong. You’re my best friend. You’re Batman, remember? You can do anything.”

The tears finally flowed freely down my face as I heard a loud beeping behind me.

“Joey, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, the ending actually made me emotional; I actually feel like I might cry :(

do you want joey to live or die? comment please! <3

sorry about the length again! I just let the words come out and don't pay attention much.

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!