Sequel: If We Don't Die Today
Status: complete and still welcome for comments!

But Maybe We'll Live Forever

I was on the pills. I was doing everything the BL/ind. told me to do. I was obedient. I thought I was smart; headed great places. But I didn’t know anything, it seems.

I didn’t know they were taking over the world with ways that were less than good. I didn’t know they were brainwashing me with the pills. I didn’t know that those videos they made us watch were hypnotizing us for evil. I didn’t know that as long as I was under their spell, I wouldn’t get anywhere in life.

I didn’t find out until that fateful day I met them. The Killjoys. At first, I’d thought they were heroes with minds that were unstable – I mean, who’d fight BL/ind. to save someone like me? Of course, I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know why BL/ind. had arrested me and was trying to take me back. I didn’t know why or where these men had come from, their eyes of steel and guns ablaze.

Because, you see, before I was Atomic Battery, I was Shelby Chauncey. And Shelby Chauncey had stumbled across something she wasn’t supposed to stumble across...