We Are the Kids From Yesterday

Ritalin Diamond

Trust has been, and always will be a hard thing to earn with me. It wasn't such a huge issue with me until my parents kicked me out and my boyfriend stole everything I owned, then left me. Not to mention my support system and older sister, Aidan, was taken. No, not illegally... Well, at least to them it wasn't illegal. And to think I used to work for them.

I've probably left you confused. Let me take you back a few years.

In 2012, I picked up a job at Better Living Industries as a receptionist. Seems like a pretty petty job, right? I thought that too, until they released the miracle pills. I was in charge of getting in contact with people who had lost their jobs, who were homeless, in prisons, or in mental hospitals to try this so called miracle pill. I wondered why it was such an odd group, but I desperately need the money, so I didn't question my boss.

It wasn't until, in 2015, I saw Aidan's name on the list that I said something.


I gently knocked on the door of Korse's office, trying to stay calm. I had ever had a personal conversation with him, besides my interview, and he intimidated me. As I waited outside, though, I became more and more nervous, but soon the door swung open to reveal Korse, who was smiling.

"Destinee! Come in! What can I do for you?" He asked, sitting at his desk. I stood in front of it, and laid my sister's chart in front of him.

"I haven't said anything before, but now I have a reason to. Many of the people I have called in either haven't come out, or they come out a completely new person. This woman here, Aidan Anderson, is my older sister, and I just want to know what's going to happen to her. And I know, I know, you probably shouldn't care because she's no relation to you... But I want to make sure she's safe. She's been there for me my entire life, and now it's my turn to be there for her." I rambled, speaking too quick to think. Korse stood with that same smile, and folded his hands together.

"Your sister is going to be just fine. You see, we've been experimenting with this new miracle pill. We've designed them to take all your problems away. No more worrying about little things, no more feeling self-conscious, and no more heartbreaks. We're going to cure it all." He explained as he rested a hand on my back and led me towards the door. "I promise, she is very safe in our hands."


I had no reason not to trust him, so I believed him and went back to work. Little did I know, though, was Aidan would go in my best friend, and come out a zombie. After she was given the first pill, and it kicked in, Korse let her come out to see me. I smiled at her, because she seemed all right, but she wouldn't smile back. She wouldn't even talk to me until Korse told her to say 'hi'. It scared me. As time went on she became worse and worse. When I looked at her, all I saw was emptiness. But, one day she tried to get away. She hadn't taken her pill for well over twenty-four hours, and she tried to resist them. When they tried to restrain her, she grabbed one of their guns. Right as she went to pull the trigger, they took the gun, it spun, and fired right at her. Korse claimed it was accidental, but I knew better.

That's when I quit. I stayed at home for a week, wallowing in self pity, then called BLI and announced that I wouldn't be coming back. I kept a check on the news, and soon learned more and more about this resistance group, The Killjoys, who were trying to take down BLI. It wasn't long after I'd learned about them that I decided to join them. With my neon blue and silver gear, I traveled alone for two years.

Then I ran into Astro Zombie and Battery Fire. Battery's eyes stunned me because they were such an intense green. I had always loved little kids, and I instantly became attached to him. Astro and I became very close as well, which I was afraid of, but I soon learned I could trust her. So, here we are, in 2019, bucking the system and doing whatever we can to save someone's soul.
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There's me, Ritalin Diamond, or, Destinee Anderson.
Enjoy loves.