All Choked Up

sibling rivalry.

The phone rang. Mike sighed before walking to the counter near the refrigerator and picking up. "Hello?"

"Hey Mike, it's me Skylar," said the women on the other line. Skylar was Mike's annoying assistant who constantly thought Mike was trying to get in her pants. He probably would if she was so damn persistent about letting him do it.

"Hey Sky, I can't really talk. I'm getting ready for Betha's birthday," he admitted reluctantly. If there was anyone he disliked more than Skylar, it was his 9 year old sister Betha. He hated everything about her. Of course, he hid that from everyone. What could he possibly have against sweet little Betha.

"Oh yeah! Tell her I said happy bir-"

"Yeah, okay," Mike interrupted quickly saying "see you on Monday," before hanging up. He subconsciously rubbed his temples, unplugging the phone line all together. He walked into his dining room, snatching a large cloth up from the ground by the linen closet. He set it on a chair, going back into the kitchen to get the birthday cake.

He put the cake down in the other chair and grabbed the large scarf covered in pictures of diamonds and sparkles. He draped the diamond scarf over the table before setting the cookies and cream ice cream cake in the center of the table. Just as he was about to put the nine candles in the cake, the door bell rang. Mike sprinted to get the door open. There in front of him was a small, blond, hazel-eyed little girl. He watched the taxi screech off down the road behind her.

He smiled at her, waving her in."Happy birthday, Betha! I have your cake ready."

"What kind is it? I hate strawberry anything," she told him seriously for the twentieth time that week. He restricted himself from yelling at her for being rude.

"It's cookies and cream ice cream cake."

"Ooh," she giggled excitedly. She skipped ahead of him to the dining room, settling in her seat before he had even entered the room. He was going to light the candles but she waved a hand at him. "Just cut it. I want something sweet now."

He mentally sighed, grabbing the knife beside the cake. He contemplated it for a split second before cutting her slice. She snatched a fork up and dug in. When she thought he wasn't looking, she made a face of disgust but smiled brightly in approval when he turned his head her way. Screw that, this is a Coldstone cake. It's fucking delicious, he thought bitterly. "What next?" she asked impatiently.

"I..." he contemplated for a split second before smiling. "I have a present for you but it's in the barn."

"Okay, fine. But if it's some stinky animal, it can stay in the barn." She put on her coat and walked over to the door leading outside. "Well, do I have to get it myself?"

Mike stood and grabbed his coat. "Let's go." She opened the door and stomped her way through the snow. He stayed behind, grabbing something from the doorstep. They trekked silently until the reach a large patch of trees. "It's just through these trees," he told her, indicating the large pines. She didn't even look back, just started off again.

The further into the trees the got, the angrier he became. He thought about this day, nine years ago. He stood by his eleven year old self in front of the big window that showed all the little newborns. There in front of him was his mother's murderer, Betha Alexis Birn. His widowed mother of 35 died from giving birth to her. He scowled.

Betha was a few feet ahead of him. He sped up to her, grabbed her neck with his arm. She choked under his grip, struggling. He swung the large knife he grabbed from under the doorstep in the air before plunging it into her heart, then her stomach. He let go of her, and she fell forward. She coughed blood onto the ground. "Bastard," she muttered, her last dying breath. She slumped to the ground, face first in the snow.

Mike made his way back to the house. He didn't see the blood leaking into the snow around the small little body.