If I Wake up Tomorrow, Will You Still Be Here?

Chapter Sixteen.

Zoe heard a slight rapping on the door, breaking her concentration. She was well aware of who it would be. Rob had, very cutely, counted down the days until he could see her again and this morning she had received a text message;

Ten hours, thirteen minutes and seven seconds.
Can't wait to see your beautiful face.

His smile was the first thing she saw before she was scooped up into a breathtaking embrace. Rob's hands grazed her sides as she rested her head in the crook of his neck; her lungs becoming incapacitated by his smell of cigarettes and cinnamon. A low grumble reverberated in his throat, sending shivers coursing throughout her body. She felt his hand holding the back of her head, his fingers raking through her auburn hair.

"I've missed you," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear, "You have no idea how much I missed you."

"Bout the same as I missed you?" Zoe giggled, placing her feet firmly on the ground and staring up at Rob.

"Impossible," he smirked, planting a fierce kiss on her lips, "Absolutely impossible."

"I made dinner. Are you hungry?" Zoe asked, opening the door to let Rob drag his belongings inside.

"I'm always hungry if you're cooking, babe." Rob raised an eyebrow, before positioning himself on her barstool.

"How was the trip?" Zoe smiled, before turning to the electric wok she was stirring the contents of.

"It was alright. I spent majority of the nights thinking about how we met. You know how freaking hard I tried to get you that first night?" He laughed, accepting the beer that Zoe handed towards him.

"Uh no. I was sure you gave up pretty early on," she giggled, arching her eyebrow at him.

"I couldn't have given up," he smirked, "Do I still make that 'god-awful grunting sound'?"

"Sometimes," Zoe laughed, spooning the noodle mixture into a bowl, "Do you want to hear a secret?" She leaned across the countertop, her head resting in her hands as his eyes travelled to her lips and back up to her gorgeous turquoise eyes.


"I thought you were the most undeniably attractive guy I had ever met," Zoe raised an eyebrow as Rob placed a delicate kiss on her lips, "If I could've I would've jumped your bones in a second."

"Then why didn't you?" The smile on his face couldn't be contained any longer, as he kissed her lips over and over again.

"Because you had just slept with Blondie. That would've been in bad taste," Zoe smiled, walking around the counter to position herself between Rob's legs. His hands travelled to her waist, his fingers finding the belt holes in her jeans to pull her forward, closer to him.

"I haven't slept with anyone in a while. Except for this pretty brunette I shagged a little while back," Rob chuckled, cowering slightly as he realised Zoe was close to slapping him.

"Did this pretty brunette have a name?"

"Yeah, I can't really remember it. Zara, maybe?" He grinned, looking up into her azure eyes, "Zoe Amelia Wilkins. That was her name, and good god she was amazing."

"Rumour on the street is, she thought the same about you,'' Zoe winked, turning away from Rob to set the table.


Rob stared at his empty plate, leaning back and allowing the stir-fry to digest. Zoe laughed from across the table and raised a forkful of noodles and snow peas to her lips. Rob shook his head at her, patting his stomach.

"I missed your cooking," Rob grinned, taking a sip of his beer.

"Well I have dessert in the oven if you're up for it?" Zoe raised, clearing the table and moving into the kitchen, "Berry, hazelnut and chocolate pastry?"

"Oh love, with cream please."

Zoe laughed, stepping out of the kitchen to rub Rob's stomach, "You never get full, do you babe?"

"I don't think its feasible in this lifetime."


Entangled on one of Zoe’s long, reclining outdoor chairs, Rob smiled as his head rested gently against Zoe’s soft, auburn hair. He loved the fresh fragrance of coconut and for the moment he felt completely content. He heard her sigh and wrap her arm around his long torso.

“I told my parents that we’re back together,” Rob whispered, not wanting to ruin the silent moment, “They’re happy.”

“Mmm,” Zoe hummed in response, resting her head on his chest.

“Have you told anyone yet?” Rob prodded, thinking about Zoe’s parents and her copious amounts of siblings, “How do you think they’d take it?”

“Apparently tabloid articles don’t reach Australia as quickly as they hit newsstands here, but I’m sure Mum will see something soon and call me,” Zoe chuckled to herself. Rob had no doubt she was thinking about her mother. They rarely saw each other, quite similar to how often I saw my parents and sisters, and it was obvious how much she missed her family.

Zoe was the eldest of five children. Her mother, Nora, was frequently sick and being rushed in and out of hospital, while her father, Mason, worked three jobs in order to pay off the mortgage. Being a maternal person, Zoe had become the mother-figure to her younger siblings, Noah, Payton, Cooper and Scarlett. Since moving to America, Zoe had limited contact with her siblings and parents. Rob knew it hurt her, as it hurt him to be so far away from his parents. His reward, however, was nuzzled against his chest. He smiled, realising how beautiful that reward was to him.

“They’re coming here for Christmas you know?” Zoe smiled through her words, her head moving awkwardly to stare up at Rob. He felt his heart skip a beat as he wrapped his arms around her tighter, “They’re so excited. Especially Noah. Did you know that Casey is pregnant?”

Rob shook his head, loosening his grip on Zoe so she could turn around to speak. He couldn’t help but smile at her excited garble. She loved watching her family expand.

“She’s six months along. Apparently Isabella places her hands on Casey’s belly and speaks to her brother. How cute,” Zoe’s face scrunched up in excitement, “At least she’ll have the baby before Christmas so they can still come.”

“Maybe we could invite my family for Christmas?” Rob suggested, watching the smile spread across Zoe’s face, “I mean, we’d probably need to get a bigger place.”

“Hey! What’s wrong with my apartment?” Zoe frowned, “I like it.”

“So do I, love, but it’s too small to have your family and mine, staying here.”

“To fit both our families, Rob, we’d need a house,” Zoe laughed, standing up to grab a cigarette, “And I cannot afford a house.”

“But we can,” Rob smirked as Zoe almost choked on the gust of smoke she had just inhaled.

“We as in uh m – me and uh – and you?” Zoe stuttered, backing herself inadvertently into the corner of the balcony.

“Should I retract that question?” Rob chuckled, standing from the recliner and moving toward Zoe, his hands snaking onto either side of her body, pressing a fierce kiss on her gaping lips.

“No, definitely not. It’s just such a – are you sure, Rob?” Zoe bit her lip as she looked up at Rob.

“Well if we want to fit both families in, we need a bigger place,” Rob smirked as Zoe grabbed his face, planting a kiss on his lips, “And I get to wake up every morning next to you, because both our names would be on the lease.”

“Don’t you think it’s too soon?” Zoe asked, her mouth still widely agape, “I mean we haven’t even been back together for more than a week? It’s not even official.”

“Let’s make it official then?” Rob couldn’t help but laugh at Zoe’s shocked face. He loved surprising her like this. The look on her face made him want to take her right there and then, but he held off. He wanted to hear her say yes first.

“W – what? Rob, you can’t be serious?” Her mouth gaped as she stared at the man in front of her, “What have you done with my Rob, the commitment-phobe, the guy who I had to pester for two years to give me his apartment key!”

“Santa Clause took him away,” Rob couldn’t help the overwhelming smile coating his face, “You’re keeping me in suspense, love.”

“Good god, Rob. Uh – yeah, yes definately,” Zoe grinned, before Rob was ambushed with breath-taking embrace. Steadying himself, Rob wrapped his arms around her waist as he planted gentle kisses on her jawline. She let out a soft moan, as he moved down the hallway. Reaching Zoe’s bedroom, Rob pushed her against the door, letting her legs fall from around her waist to the floor. He grinned as she moaned, unable to wait until they reached the bed, rather engrossing themselves in a fit of passion against the bedroom door.