This Is Not My Body

Finding Blue

Billie's P.O.V. -

I went down stairs and Abbey's mom, and step dad were watching T.V. I was nervous to tell them I was leaving for the airport, even though Abbey said it shouldn't be a problem. What if they didn't let me leave? What if Nick rapes me again? What if I am not able to hold my wife in my arms again? What if I never see my boys again? These thoughts keep running threw my head as I headed down stairs with my bags.

Me - " Hey I'm leaving."

I waited for a response, and nick just changed the channel and chuckled. Then Abbey's mom finally answered.

Mom - " Finally, ( she turned to Nick and put her arms around him) now we can be alone."

They started making out right in front on me, gross!!!

Me - " That's great, well my cab is here, so I'm out."

They did even turn around, they just kept kissing each other.

2 hours later-

I finally arrived at the airport, I just called Abbey to let her know I got here alright. I went and brought my ticket thank god they had a few seats left because it really isn't a common time to fly so 10 seats were open.

I waited around for another two hours thinking about seeing my family again. But the saddest part I wont be able to kiss and hug them they way I would when I would get off tour.

Oh my god the tour!!!!

Green Day is doing a couple of last second shows in South America,oh god. I hope we get switched back in time

" Flight # 127 to California is now boarding."


Abbey's P.O.V. -

I just got off the phone with Billie and he said he was just about ready to bored the plain. I know it may seem weird but I am acting like a total fan girl, I can't believe I'm going to meet the real Billie Joe Armstrong. Sadly thought it wont really be the meeting I have always dreamed about, he is in my body, so it is going to be a little ac ward.

I have 8 hours to spare, what to do, what to do? I walked down the hall and saw a room that said Joey on it. I knew Joey had a drum set and I was kind of itching to play. I walked down stairs to see if Joey was home.

I didn't see the boys down stairs just Adrienne making dinner. I walked in and thought I would make her feel a little special, oh god I can't believe I'm about to do this to a girl, but here goes nothing.

Me - " Hey baby, (I wrapped my arms around my waist, and kissed the back of her head.) what you making?"

80 - " Some stake, ( She turned around and met my smile) you enjoy your nap?"

Me - " Yeah I did thanks, I was wondering, are the boys home?"

80 - " No they went to the Becker's to play, they will be back in a like 1/2 hour, why?"

Me - " I was itching to play drums, ( I stopped my self fast I remembered Billie plays guitar not drums ) I don't know why, I just really want to play."

Adrienne turned around and looked at me weird.

80 - " What does the have to do with the boys?"

She chuckled.

Me - " Joey has a drum set, so I want to play."

She chuckled again, and kissed me on my for head.

80 - " Why don't you just go down to the studio and us the drum set down there?"

She turned back to her stake.

A studio in the house, are you fucking kidding me?!?! A young musicians dream.

I tried to make it seem like I didn't care about the fact that there was a studio in our basement.

Me - " Oh right, I forgot."

80 - " How do you forget?"

Because I was a 18 year old girl last night.

Me - " I am just having a bad day."

She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, and hugged me. Think what would Billie say, what would a husband say?

Me - " Hey, ( she looked up at me ) I love you. ( I kissed her nose )."

Oh god, I'm straight, I'm straight. I'm only doing this for Billie.

I walked away and then realized I had no idea where the basement was. I walked slowly toward a door on the other side of the kitchen, I opened it and broom fell out.

When I turned around 80 was on the floor laughing.

Me - " I...I...I meant to do that..."

80 - " So you don't do that again, the basement is the door before the living room."

I got scarred, does she know something it up?

80 - " Its not the first time I have had to tell you where to find something in your own house. Go play your drums, and I will call you when dinner is ready."

Me - " Ok."

I walked down stairs and I was just wowed. The first thing I see is a recoding box, bunch of buttons, and switches. I also saw a bunch of guitar, electric and non electric. They were all awesome looking, then I saw it. It was full of stickers, the color of the sky, and was a little beaten up, but it was just perfect. I was afraid to touch it, but I got over that really fast, and picked it up. It was not to heavy, it was just right, as I held it in my hand I could just feel the king of punk rock's sole in it.

I was holding the one, and the only blue. As all the Green Day fans know, this is Billie's first guitar, and not only is it his first guitar, it was the last gift his father left to him, before he died. I gently turned it around and saw the picture of Billie holding the guitar, when he was 10 or 11. I finally decided to plug the guitar in and hear the sound for my self. They only thing is I'm no guitar player, so I needed to pick a song I wouldn't mess up on. So I picked a song I just learned, and just so happens to be 2000 Light Years Away.

I strummed the guitar softly and let the music run threw my body. I finished the song and saw 80 standing at the bottom of the stairs.

I just remembered that I was playing her song. She was standing there being pretty, and she has the sweetest simile on her face.

Think Abbey think, your a man, be a man.

Me - " Hey good looking, dinner ready?"

80 - " Yeah, but I thought we could get a few seconds alone before the boys get home?"

She walked slowly over to me and I was shocked. Remember what Billie said, make her happy no matter what.
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sorry it took me a long time, i am in college so studying comes first lol