This Is Not My Body

Sweet home California

Abbey's P.O.V-

After our little sex trip in the basement, I heard two voices up above us, I knew it had to be my knew sons Joey and Jakob. Adrienne started to move softly beside me, and I smiled and gently shook her to wake her. Sorry but I have had enough with kissing a girl for a little wile; its kind of freaking me out. She didn't budge, I gently shook her again and called her name.

Me - " Adrienne, honey, the boys are home." After I am done with this I need a knew boy friend to prove to me I'm still straight.

80 - " Are they?" She turned to face me. but she still had her eyes closed.

Me - ", I think they are hungry, so we better get dressed." There I go again, calling a girl baby, weird.

Adrienne then opened her eyes and looked up at me and I smiled back at her.

80 - " Could you go entertain them wile I get dressed?"

Oh sure, I'll just go up stairs and entertain a couple of kids that I don't know, no problem Adrienne.

Me - " Yeah sure no problem."

I slowly got up and looked down and really saw my new penis for the first time. I jumped a little at the sight of it, and I was scarred to even touch it, because it wasn't mine, it was Billie's; and I was just boring it. but curiosity killed the cat and I gently rapped my hand around my new penis and gave it a a squeeze. Then again a rush of pleaser went threw my hole body, and I went to go do it again but I remembered I had to meet my new sons. So I got dressed, and made my way up stairs, leaving 80 to sleep.

I made my way into the living room and saw two book bags on the floor, and two pair off shoes. This is going to be a little weird because I have always thought Billie's oldest son was cute, so I don't know how this is going to work out.

Me - " Joey, Jake, you guys home?"

I then heard running coming towards me and sure enough there were a young teenage boy coming down the stairs to greet, who he think is his dad.

The first kid to make it to me was a boy who looked to be around the age of 12 or 13. He was wearing a green shirt with a gray stripe going across the chest, and a pair of jeans. He had a short, black, hair cut. He looked a lot like Billie, it was a little scary, he could have been his twin if his eyes weren't brown.

Jake - " Hey dad ", he hugged me tight.

Be a dad, be a dad.

Me - " Hey buddy, how are you?"

Jake looked up at me with his big brown eyes, and smiled.

Jake - " I'm good, but hungry."

Me - " I know pale, dinner will be ready in a bit so, just go chill out in the living room for a few."

Jake hugged me tight again, he really was to cute, and he was like another little brother to me.

Jake - " Ok dad."

I turned to the stair case and then I saw him, Joey Armstrong, oh god, why do I need to be in your fathers body when we first meet. He was tall, thin, but had a little muscle defiantly, he also had short black hair, and had the same color eyes as his mom; god he is hot. He is my dream boy, he is a drummer like me, he is cute, and from what I've heard he is just a all round great guy. I wonder if he is single?

Wait Abbey, you can't be trying to make a move on him, your his dad, get your self together.

Joey - " What's up pop?"

He pat me on the shoulder and stud in front of me waiting for a answer. I almost lost my self in his brown eyes, but I quickly brought my self back to earth and tried me best to be his dad.

Me - " Hey Joe, dinner is going to be ready, I didn't know if you wanted something to eat."

Or possibly a knew girl friend, come on Abbey get it together!

Joey - " You kidding I'm starved!"

Oh his voice is to cute! Abbey will you relax, I got to stop talking to my self.

Me - " Well alright bud, I'll go get your mom, and see if the stake is ready. Go watch T.V. with your brother."

Joey - " Alright."

He walked off, and I checked out his ass, and then quickly turned my head so he didn't see. Dam that boy has a nice ass, if only I were a girl.

We sat down and ate dinner, and it was awesome to actually sit and have a family dinner, it was how I hoped it would be. We sat in the living room, because the dinning room was to fancy for the Armstrong family. We sat around watching T.V. , it was the Americas Funniest Home Videos. We all laughed, and 80 sat in between my legs and we just enjoyed each others company, I'm sure this family isn't perfect, but this is a close to perfect I'll ever get.

We were still watching the show when I got a phone started vibrating. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my old cell number, so I knew it was Billie.

Me - " Hey its Mike, I just need to talk to him for a second."

I kissed 80 so she wouldn't think anything was up, I went into the backyard to answer Billie's call.

Me - " Hello, Billie?"

Billie - " Sweet home California!!"
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sorry about the up dates, i'll try to get it up faster, and if ur wondering why i spelt jakob like that, well thats how the amrstrong spell it