This Is Not My Body

Home, But Not Home.

Abbey's P.O.V

I picked Billie up from the airport and I will tell you that seeing my body being used by someone else is the weirdest thing I think I will ever see in my life. I couldn't imagine what Billie thought when he saw himself walking up to greet him.

We greeted each other and introduced our self's, and I've thought about this day for a long time, Billie Joe is one of my idols, so I've thought about how this day would go, but I never thought it would be like this. He is in my body for Christ sake, and I'm in his, I don't think would be a good time to ask for a autograph. We went to get his suitcase, he started telling me about the flight, and how happy he was to be home.

Me - " How was the flight?'

Billie - " Not to big on flying, but its worth it, and no a fence but I miss being a dude. I haven't sat down to pee sense I was 3."

Me - " Yeah, I didn't even get that far, I sat."

Billie looked at me like I had three heads.

Billie - " You have the chance to pee standing and you aren't even going to try it?" (He laughed)

Me - " I never said I wasn't going to try it, but I'm just not ready."

Billie - " Yeah just wait, curiosity will get you sooner or later." (He laughed again)

I decided to change the subject.

Me - " You happy to be back in sunny California?"

Billie - " Oh you have no idea how happy I am to be home, even though I can't really go home."

He said as he stared at him self in a glass merrier. He then looked down at the ground, and looked sad.

Me- " You ok?"

Billie - " Yeah, its just, every time I would come home from tour Adrienne would always be here to pick me up, and my boys would be with her. I'd kiss her and hold her tight; then scoop my two boys up, well can't really do that now they are almost as tall as me. But its just I wish that when I woke up from my nap on the plain that I was just coming home from tour, and my family would be here waiting for me."

I felt so bad for him, I my self have never seen love, but I could tell by just the way Billie was talking that he did truly love her, and by the look in his eye I knew he missed her tremendously.

I threw his suite case in the trunk of the BMW and made our way home. As we drove he showed me some Green Day land marks, " that's Gilman Street over there, oh, over there is were my and my friends would get high, and pick up chicks (he chuckles). Right there is Rods Hickory pit, we played our first show there, my mom also works there still, and over there is Adrienne's store Atomic Garden Garden (he stopped and sighed)." He look like he was about to cry, (maybe I should stop calling him a he sense he is really a she now, no that's just wired.) I put my hand on her shoulder and rubbed is lightly.

Me - " Don't worry Billie, I'll get you two and you life back together."

Billie - " Thanks Abbey, and I'll help get your life back to, minus your family."

I smiled and went back to driving, I started thinking about Joey, how cute his muscles are, his hot but, and oh yeah his.....

Billie - " What are you thinking about? Your like bugging out."

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop the question from coming out, it just was and there was no stopping it.

Me - " Does Joey have a girl friend?"
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Sorry for the lack of up dateing, I'm going to start writing again.