This Is Not My Body

A Lead

Billie's P.O.V.-

Its been a hole week sense I came back to California and there hasn't been much progress in changing Abbey and me back to normal. The only thing I know is, I am really starting to miss my family. Its so hard being so close and not being able to see them, well not in the same way I usually do. Abbey knows I do this but 80 doesn't, every night I go over to my house, climb on my house and watch Adrienne sleep. I don't watch her get undressed because it doesn't feel right. But I feel watching my angel sleep is just a little something I can look forward to and something that keeps me from going crazy. I also am able to see my kids off to school everyday because I get breakfast nest to their school so I get to see them really quick before their class.

Abbey comes over every day after 80 goes to work at her store and try's to work out a way to change us back to normal but so far nothing has helped. Today isn't any different Abbey and I have been on line all day trying to find a way out of this mess. We have look on line, and read threw books; but nothing has lead us any closer to finding a cure for this body switcher.

Abbey - " There has to be something on line to give us a lead."

Me - " How many times have we look on this stupid box." I was growing tired of this, because we aren't really getting anywhere.

Abbey - " Well you got a better idea, eventually you are going to have to play a show and I can't play the guitar if my life depended on it." I couldn't help but laugh a little.

Me - " Yeah true, and I'm not sticking around for your monthly cycle."

Abbey - " So just try and work with me unless you got a better idea."

Me - " Fine."

Abbey's P.O.V.-

I told Billie that last night I was searching the net about sole switching, because I've been talking to a friend form back home, her name is Becky, her aunt is a Wicken and she thinks she might be able to fix us. But its tricky, especially because she thinks there isn't a lesson behind the switch, and usually there is a lesson to a sole switching spell. In other cases the pair find out the lesson they must learn and once they discovered that lesson they will get changed back.

Me - " You know how I told you about my what my friends aunt said?"

Billie - " Yeah the crazy women who doesn't believe in phones because she thinks they are a gate way into hell?"

Me - " Yea but more impotently she wants to come and try to help us."

Billie - " I thought you told me that she said we could only get changed back if we find the lesson we need to learn, and we don't have a lesson to learn."

Me - " We have to try something, and if she comes maybe she can help us find out what that lesson is?"

Billie looked down at his feet and squeezed his fists together.

Billie - " I just want to go home! I miss my wife, I miss my kids, and my life!" I set the computer down and hugged Billie.

Me - " I'm so sorry I took this all away from you, but I don't know how to fix it, when Becky's aunt comes we can go back to how things were, and I'll go home..."

Billie - " No, I'm sorry, I know its not your fault, and I meant it when I said I want you to move in with me. Tell Becky's aunt to come as soon as she can so we can make that happen."

Me - " Ok I'll tell Becky, and we will be on hopefully be back to our life's. I got to get home 80 will be getting off work in a 1/2 hour and I don't want her to worry."

Billie - " Tell her I said hi."

Me - " I will."