This Is Not My Body

Hello Elsie....

Abby's P.O.V

It's been a week and I did end up getting in touch with Becky's aunt, Elisabeth, and she agreed to come to California to help Billie and I out. Her flight was arriving early so I was planing on leaving and coming back with out waking Adrienne up, but that of course didn't work out so well.

80- " Where are you going so early Billie Joe, it's 6 o'clock in the morning?"

Caught dam, think Abby, why would Billie be getting up early. To early for band practice, to early for the boys to go to school, oh I got it.

Me- " I'm just going for a walk, you know, getting in shape to start playing again?"

At first she gave me a, do you really think I by that look but she did wind up saying, " fine", and went back to bed and didn't ask anymore questions.


I came to pick Billie up and I'll admit the sight of seeing my self coming towards me is still very creepy. If I do say so, he is making me look like a wreck. My hair doesn't look like it was brushed, I'm wearing sweats, and sun glasses over my eyes. Someone doesn't look to thrilled to be up so early.

Me- " Well good morning sleeping beauty." I couldn't help but chuckle.

BJ- " Ha, ha very funny, well you would look like this to if you grew two balls on your chest you aren't supposed to have and every position you turn you feel like your being suffocated."

Me- " Hey, it's no fun sleeping with your junk either, not loving the feeling of a penis against my thy every time I move."

BJ- " Oh, how I miss my junk, the first thing I'm doing when I get my body back is peeing like a man. Every time I go to piss I have to remind my self to sit. I sometimes forget and give my self a heart attack when I retch in my pants to pull my self out and there's nothing there."

Me- " Yeah hate to break it to you, I'v been sitting the whole time, just not wanting to go that far."

BJ- " Oh it's not that bad, it's easy to, you got to try it at lest once before we get changed back."

Me- " Wow, conversation over, your too strange?"

BJ- " You didn't know?"

We finished our drive to the air port, parked our car, and went to the baggage claim.

BJ- " What does this women even look like?"

Me- " OK, not going to lie to you, she does dress a little strange."

BJ- " How strange? Like, NYC strange, or devil strange?"

Me- " We will let you be the judge."

We waited around for 20 minuets and then Elisabeth arrived, the look on Billie's face was priceless.

BJ- " You have got to be kidding me right?"

Elisabeth had long black hair, a very straight and narrow looking face like a witches face, she wore lots of bracelets, she had piercings on her nose and every were on her ears, she was also wearing what looked to be a vampire cape, and purple and black striped socks; with black slippers.

Elisabeth- " Abby darling!"

She said and ran over to me. She supervised me by kissing me on the cheek and taking my arm for balance.

Me - " How was you flight Elisabeth?"

Elisabeth- " Oh it was fine until I started talking to a dead flight attendant, I told them I could speak to the dead, but they were insisting I had to much to drink, witch is crazy because I don't believe in drinking. Oh and dear, call me Elsie"

BJ- " Yeah right." Billie whispered to him self. Elisabeth of course hear it.

Elisabeth- " Now young man, you don't want to upset a women who can either help out your situation, or choose to leave you this way, now do you."

BJ- " No, it's just been a long few weeks, and I want my body back."

Elisabeth- " All in good time my dear, but first be a good boy, or should I say girl, and get Elsie's bags wont you?"

BJ- " She reminds me of my Grandmother, oh God ." Billie whispered to himself again."

Elisabeth- " Your Grandmother, says hello, and go ahead and whisper under your breath, because I can hear every sly comment you say, no matter how low you say it."

Me- " This is going to be a long few days." I think to my self, thinking she wouldn't hear it.

Elisabeth- " I agree dear, and I can read minds to, so your not safe with me, this will be a so enjoyable weekend."

We got her stuff and headed back to Billie's apartment to get settled in.
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I know I haven't written anything in over a year, I have totally forgotten about these stories, but I promise to try and finish this story by the end of the week. I hope my writing has improved a little.