This Is Not My Body

What Are We Waiting For?

Billie's P.O.V.-

It's been three days, and I'm starting to think Elsie is just using my money to get a free trip. She claims to be waiting for the answer to just come to her, she says that's the way it goes. I'm really getting nervous because I have a show coming up in two weeks, and Abby has made it clear that she doesn't play the guitar. The guys are going to want to have band practice, and I can't just say I'm sick, I don't cancel anything Green Day related unless it is a emergency; well I guess this goes along the lines of an emergency but still I really want to play.

I am trying to keep in deep thought, there has to be something, why me and Abby, there must be connection, oh please God, what am I missing?!? Wish that stupid bitch would get up and help me!

Elsie- " You know dear, I really am trying to help you out, it might not seem that way to you, but these aren't your normal every day problems. These things take time."

I turned out of my thought, I forgot she could hear my thought.

Me- " You think I don't know that?!?"

Elsie- " But, I do need to ask you something, you might have a lead, have you ever seen Abby before?"

Me- " Nope, never saw her before the change."

Elsie- " You don't know anyone around her, like a friend, neighbor, perhaps a relative?"

I thought long and hard about the last few weeks, about waking up to a new body, being raped, and Abby's nightmare of a mother.

Me- " Nope, sorry I don't think so."

Elise- " My advice sleep on it, most answers come to us in our dreams, but when you sleep, you must be thinking about what you are trying to accomplish."

Me- " That's all I have been thinking about though."

Elsie- " Yes dear, you might have been thinking about it, but you haven't been thinking about the connections between Abby and your self."

Me- " I am pretty tiered, I guess it couldn't hurt."

Elise- " Good night dear, I'll be up for a wile to see if anything comes to you."

So basically this weirdo is going to watch me sleep.

Elsie- " Must I keep reminding you that I can hear every thought you have?"

Me- " Nope, because you do it for me."

I climbed into bed, and tired to get over the fact I had a old women watching me. I thought long and hard about what she had said, it seemed we aren't searching for a lesson to be learned anymore, but we now are searching for a connection. I replayed everything in my mind, I tried to remember everyone's faces. I remembered what Abby's step father looked like, he was a stocky dude, bald, and a go-tee; kind of looked like Stone Cold Steve Austin. I diffidently haven't seen him before.

Abby's mother, had raggedy brown looking hair, not fat, but not skinny either, nose ring, and had a few tattoos on her arms. She looked a little familiar now that I think about it. Now when I think carefully she does remind me of someone I once knew, in fact she reminds me of someone I once dated. What was her name? I need to ask Abby!

Elsie- " Billie, Billie wake up!"

Me- " I think her mom is the connection between us."

Elsie- " You need to call Abby, now, once you get the for sure answer from her mom I'll be able to do the spell."

I grabbed my cell phone and called Abby.

Abby- " Hey Billie whats going on?"

Me- " I need you to come over here, I have some questions, first things first, whats your moms name?"

Abby- " Amanda, why?"

Me- " We got it!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Looks like Billie might have cracked the code.