This Is Not My Body

This is sooo000o0o0o not my body?!?!

Green Day Dream That Turned Into A Nightmare-

"This has been the best day of my life, thank you so much for brining me mom!"

I hugged my mom tight, and kissed her on the cheek.

Mom - " I'm just so glade you got to finally see your favorite band live, I told you once I got the money I would bring you."

" Mom I don't know how this day could get any better, they played all my favorite songs, Billie told a funny story, he touched himself, ( my mom rolled her eyes ) and I touched Billie's hand."

Mom - " I just wanted to make this night as special as it can be. "

" Thanks mom."

Mom - " Alright lets head home."

On our way out I thought that I saw Billie Joe, I saw the back of a black haired mans head and I jumped for joy.

" Mom!! Look its Billie!!!"

Mom - " Where??"

" Right there the one with the black hair."

But once I went to point toward the man he turned into my step dad.

" Oh sorry nick, I thought you were, what are you doing here?"

Once I said that Madison SQ Garden turned into my living room, and my mom was no where to be found, it was just me and him. He gave me the most devilish look and he never took his eyes off me.

" Nick I..."

Nick - " Shut up!! ( he walked up to me and put his hand around my neck) You don't like me, but that's ok, I don't like you either, but there's a problem, I'm married to your mom, correct?"

" Yeah."

Nick - " So we need to make sure we know who's the boss around here. I'm a nice guy, but when something gets in my way from what I want I destroy it."

" Nick I'm...."

Nick - " I told you to shut up!!!"

He slapped me, he then pinned me down to the couch, and ripped off my pants.....and I woke up.

" No Nick stop!!!, stop Nick!!!!....oh god it was just a dream."

I laid back down but before I was totally out like a light I heard someone open my bedroom door. I fingered it was my mom coming to make sure I'm alright so I'll just pretend I'm asleep.

Mom I think - " Hun, are you ok i heard screaming."

" I'm fine I...."

I stopped, I can hear the change in my voice, it was raspie and deep; something is not right here.

Not my mom - " Hunny are you sure your ok?"

This women had a sweet sounding voice but is defiantly not my mom. I can't think, what am I suppose to do, I have no idea who this women is? I can only think of one thing to do.

" I'm ok baby." I have a wife?

I am hoping that didn't scare this women off.

Women who I think is my wife - " Alright just checking, love you."

I'm a man? - " Love you to."

I said that in the most ac ward way, hopefully she didn't think anything was wrong, but there is something terribly worn. I took a look around the room, wait this isn't my room!!

" Where are my Green Day posters?!?!"

I heard myself speak again and i knew it wasn't my really voice, I mean it sounds like a mans voice. I am just going crazy, I just need to take a shower and clear my head.

I went to rub my head and...." what happened to my hair?!?!" I was about to get out of the bed to look in the merrier but I was stopped by a voice outside my door.

Little boy - " Mom dad is asking really strange should I check on him?"

I can't have him see me like this, I don't even know my own sons name, wait i don't have a son. But I guess I do now...

" Son (god my voice is messed up) I'm ok, just had a bad night."

I can't believe what I just said....I don't have a son, I'm not dad, I'm not a dad, and I'm not a husband....what the hell is going on?

I heard him walk away, and I made my way to the bathroom. But I tripped over my own feet. My head is so dizzy, I feel like I have been up all night partying. Someone must have heard that I have to find out what's going on. I held on to the dresser to stand up and I looked at me arms.

" I have tattoos???"

I stopped cold in my tracks, " where have I seen these tattoos before, oh god no it can't be.

I ran to the merrier, I took a long look and the last thing I can remember me saying before I blacked out was " OH MY GOD BILLIE JOE!!"