This Is Not My Body

Where Am I?

Abby's P.O.V.

I don't know what happened, nor do I think I really want to know, one second I am walking over to give Billie a hug the next, well next I don't know, it all went black after that. Maybe everything was a dream, was it all just my mind playing a cruel joke. Maybe I never switched bodies with Billie, maybe all of this just never happened. What ever did happen I can't move, all my joints are frozen, and my head is pounding against my skull. I want to attempt to open my eyes, but I don't even think that is possible. I try my hardest to listen and hear whats going but there is silence in the room.

I have been laying here for what seems like forever until I hear a door open then close. Its two men,

(1st Man)- " How is she?"

(2nd Man)- " Well, she is still in a coma, but she is showing a lot of brain activity."

Oh well that answers my question then, it all was just a dream because I am no longer in Billie's body.

(1st Man)- " But, she will pull out of this right?"

(2nd Man)- " Well, her condition does have a chance to get better but, we need to think about what if? I have seen some people not wake up from this type of coma."

(1st Man) - " Oh, I understand."

(2nd Man)- " Her mother is on her way, right?"

(1st Man)- " Yes, but I'm her father, I will take care of things from here on out."

(2nd Man) - " Very well, I'll leave you alone, I'll be back in a bit to check on her."

(1st Man)- " Thanks doc."

My father? So maybe it wasn't a dream, because I do recognize his voice, and my real father I never really knew. This must be Billie, but then that must mean I am back in my own body, the tie between us both must have worked! Oh this is great, well lets be honest here it would be more great if I wasn't in a coma, and I could just walk out of this hospitable as me. Got to find a way to get out of this.....

(1st Man)- " Abby sweet heart, its Billie, I have been waiting all day to see you. You hit your head hard, I miss you so much. I want you to come back home with me to live with my family like I said, so I need you to hang in there and get better please." He then grabbed my hand.

Oh thank god it is Billie, I am so happy that he hasn't given up on me. I need to try as hard as I can, I need to let him know that I can hear him. I tried to get me hand squeeze his but my hand just wouldn't budge. I needed to really concentrate and think about what I want, I keep trying but nothing is happening. Just then I hear another voice enter the room.

(Lady)- " Billie, how is she doing dear?"

I would recognize that voice any ware, it was Elsie.

(Billie)- " Not to good, there is a little more brain activity but he doesn't know if she will ever wake up."

I remember that Elsie could read peoples mind maybe she could....

(Elsie)- " Why of course I can hear you dear."


(Billie)- " Well yeah you can hear me because I'm sitting right next to you."

Oh Billie, so dumb.

(Elsie)- " No dear its Abby, she maybe be under a coma, but I can still hear everything she is thinking."

Yes, it worked! Elsie tell Billie I miss him and not to give up on me.

(Billie) - " What is she saying?"

(Elise)- " Well, she says she misses you and she asks for you not to give up on her."


(Elsie)- " Not a problem dear."

(Billie) - " I will never give up on you, your going to be ok I promise."

I hope so.

(Elsie) - " I don't understand why we are making a fuss of this, I told you Billie that she will awake soon, it is just what needs to happen so the change can take full effect."

Thank God!

(Billie)- " Well, if that's true then why did I only pass out for a few seconds, and she has been out for days?"

(Elsie) - " Think about it, she is younger and she is also a lot smaller than you, it just effects people differently. But if you like I can put you in the same state she is in." She laughs to her self.

(Billie) - " You know, I am getting tired of this, I just want her to be ok, so I can move on with my life."

Yeah so do I, would be nice to actually be my self again, wow never thought I would say that. All of a sudden I felt the weight being pulled off my joints, I began to feel the warmth of blood pumping threw my veins, and I was finally able to open my eyes.

(Billie) - " Oh my God, Abby, your awake." Billie gave me a big hug, witch was a little uncomfortable because I still have a breathing tube in my throat.

Elsie walked over to the other side of the bed.

(Elsie)- " You know what woke you up don't you?"

I shook my head no.

(Elsie) - " Well, what did it was you admitting that would do anything to be your self again, witch that was your lesson you needed to learn. You needed to re learn to love your self, and you needed to be ok with who you are, that's why the switch happened."

(Billie) - " I thought it was me being her father, I thought that is what did it?"

(Abby) - "Yeah I thought that to."

Elsie laughed.

(Elsie)- " Well darlings, that just happened to be the tie, as I said there is a lesson to be learned here and the lesson was for you my dear Abby was to be ok with who you are. You were so unhappy with your self and how your life was turning out the spirits decided to teach you a lesson. The reason you got switched with Billie is because of the tie between you two, but the reason you got switched in the first place was to teach you to love your self."

(Abby) - "This now finally makes sense, I might still be upset that my family back in New York don't really care for me, but it was because of them that I felt the way I did about my self. That's why I got switched with Billie, to show there was something better out there for me, I just needed to find it first. I have never been happier to be Abigail Gruen."

(Elsie) - " I am happy that you now understand what has happened here, and I am also happy that you two can now go and live the rest of your lives together, and be happy." Elsie winked at me.

(Abby) - " Elsie, you knew all along didn't you?" But as I looked up to get her answer she was gone.

I looked up at Billie and smiled, and he whispered in my ear....

(Billie)- " Lets go home, Abigail Armstrong."

I have never been happier,

the end
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sorry it took me a wile to up date, I have had finals and I dislocated my arm, hope you enjoyed the story =]