This Is Not My Body

I don't think I'm ready for a penis

I woke up on the bathroom floor and my head was really pounding hard, I'm surprised that nice lady didn't come up to check on me? Maybe she took the kids to school? I don't know, is it even Monday? I'm afraid to move, I don't want to look in the merrier, and I most defiantly don't want to get undressed; because I'm afraid of what I will find.

" Come on Abby, you can't just sit here and not get up forever, people are going to think your crazy; and you know what you saw before was nothing but your mind playing jokes on you. So get up easily and try not to hurt your self."

My vice is still messed up, its not really that deep but it does sound like a mans.

I started trying to lift myself off the floor but I stopped when I saw my arms again. They are still filled with tattoos, I started to read them.

" Punx, Jacob, Adrienne, a vine, Joseph, a photo strip of a women, ( I lifted up my selves) a tiger, stars, ( I then checked my hips) and 80?"

I had to stop this is one big joke right? My head is pounding so hard I can't handle it, I guess there's some aspirin in the cabinet, and the cabinet has a merrier on it so I am hoping that I will see a 18 year old girl and not a 38 year old man.

Oh boy am I wrong, I have short black hair, green eyes, and no boobs. I touch my face and fell around to make sure it isn't a mask, I have never been more confused; I said con fussed, not scarred. I'm not that scarred because I am finally away from my worthless life, but I am scarred well because I don't know how to be a man let alone Billie Joe.

I'm still not sure if I even am him, I need to find a wallet or something to prove this crazy shit. But before I do that I am still looking at my reflection with awe. I lifted up my shirt and sure enough I have a flat chest. I also looked very closely at my tattoos on my chest, " Dam those must have hurt." I put my hand over my new chest and I can feel the scares of the tattoos, and I see a little red spot on my neck.

I can't help but laugh, " I guess that women is a really, really nice lady."

I then felt a small bit of pressure in my lower area, " Oh no, I am so not ready for this." It was that same familiar feeling of having to pee, but one problem, I WAS A GIRL LAST NIGHT!!! What am I suppose to do, and I'm a little nervous I don't have the slightest idea of how to be a guy. I felt the pressure again and this time it was a little more intense, so I decided to man up, and just deal with it. I walked over to the toilet; and looked down at my boxers.

" Now what?"

I have a little brother, oh wait had a little brother but I don't know how to do this. I was about to do it but nerves got the best of me, so I sat.

" Wow could we get more pathetic?" I finished what I had to do, and quickly stood up and pulled my boxers on; and didn't look down.

I wasn't ready to see my new genitalia, I'll try again when I get dressed, but for now I need to find a wallet.

Wile walking from the bedroom I could feel my ummm yeah do I really need to say it, well anyway its hitting against my leg, and my balls aren't doing me justice either.

" God how do men walk with things draggling between their legs?"

Don't let my calm tone fool you, I am still very well freaked out. But the real truth is I have always been curious to what it would be like to be a man? I was a big tom-boy when I was little so this isn't so terrible, but I am still out of wack about this hole thing.

I saw a pair of pants on the floor and I started looking for a wallet. I bent down and once again guess what got in the way.

" Here we go, oh god a penis is going to take some getting ust to." I was afraid to even touch it so I dealt with the discomfort. I looked threw the wallet and sure enough on the ID it was Billie J Armstrong, and it had a picture of the king of punk rock himself; it looked like a old picture form like ten years ago. I turned the page in the wallet and saw a picture of Joey, Jacob, and Billie. Then on the back of the page there was one of Billie and Adrienne kissing. I couldn't help but smile, they are the picture perfect couple and after 16 years of marriage they still love each other.

But now I have a guilty feeling in my stomach, Billie had always said he loved his wife more then anything, and I mean 80 is cool and all but I'm not in love with her; how could I be I WAS A GIRL LAST NIGHT!!!

I have to find a way to get this family back together, I just have no idea how to do that, I have no idea how this hole thing even happened.

I feel scarred, in the first time in a long time I want my mom, I just need to know what happened and I wonder if Billie Joe is in my body?