This Is Not My Body

You owe me

Abbey's P.O.V. -

I walked down stairs hoping to find coffee, and something to eat. When I found the kitchen I saw a pot of coffee, and a note next to it.


Hi, didn't want to wake you, its suppose to be your day to take the boys to school, but you had a rough night. I took the kids to school for you today but you owe me.

Love you,


I couldn't help but smile, she seemed like a sweet, but sly, creative women. I know Billie told me to keep her happy and for her not to know; but what if she wants to dos tuff with me? I can't do that, but then she will know something is up, I need to come up with a plain soon before she comes home, because I apparently owe her for taking the boys to school. Not only am I straight, but I don't even know the rules as a guy, but Billie said keep her happy, a guess a kiss or two couldn't hurt. I could maybe play sick, no, pretend I got a tour to do, no, ok so maybe there is on way out of this, what if there isn't, what do I do?

When I finished that thought I heard the front door open.


Billie's P.O.V. -

Abbey's mom came back upstairs after I got dressed.

Mom - " I over heard you talking to your new boy friend on the phone, your going on a trip with him? Don't lie to me!"

She crossed her arms and glared at me with big blue eyes.

Billie - " Yeah kind of, it is only for a short time, I'll be back by the end of the week. "

Mom - " Why does it have to be this week! You never even told me you were going any were. Give me one good reason why I should let you go, you dirty slut! "

What the hell was this women's problem, I can't believe she calls her daughter a slut. Well what am I saying I don't know Abbey, so maybe she did things to get her mother up set. I had to think of something quick to say to her.

Billie - " Mom, please, Mike is moving, and he asked me to drive down to Florida, please this may be the last time I see him."

I tried to act really upset., because I am a little, I miss my Adie.

Mom - " Alright, but don't think your doing this again! I suppose you will be needing money, well I'll give you my card, but like I said this is a one time deal, I'm only letting you go because I want a nice quite week without you."

Wow poor Abbey this women is a bitch.

Billie - " Thank you, I owe you."

Mom - " Don't owe me, owe your step father, he said you weren't as good as you usually are."

With that she shut the door, and I saw a suite case under the bed and started packing. But before I started packing I wonder what she means by I owe Abbey's step dad?
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sorry it took so long i had surgey, and I have been in a lot of pain. I'm starting to write again just took a wile.