Status: Complete :)

Reaching You


I stared at the boy in front of me, the hopeless mess around him. His shoulders were trembling as well.

“What… happened?” I was almost afraid to ask. Not because I didn’t want to get into any emotional bullshit because, honestly I didn’t really peg Skyler as the type to make things into a huge deal unless they actually were. I was afraid that I’d be delving into a part of his life that he wasn’t quite yet ready to show me since we aren’t even really that close.

“Nothing,” he tried to say, but it all came out as a whimper, as if he was crying.

I bit my lip because, for once, I was strangely concerned. Normally, I don’t even care about anyone else. I don’t even think I’ve done my normal doses of speed. I haven’t had it since Tuesday and it’s Friday now.

I got onto my knees and placed my hands on Skyler’s shoulders. I’ve never comforted someone before, actually, so you can imagine how strange this was.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” I asked in a soft tone.

When he turned towards me, I wasn’t quite prepared to see the sight of this. His eyes were puffy and his hair was disheveled and tears stained his cheeks.

“You don’t want to hear it,” he cried.

”If I really didn’t want to hear it, you can bet your ass I wouldn’t have asked. Now tell me, what happened?” I pressed.

He looked away and took a deep breath. “I-I… liked Laine. A long time ago, that is. And I liked him for four years and I told him and he said… that… he couldn’t possibly date me because it would have been weird. But I knew the real reason was because I was fat.” He sobbed into his sleeve after saying that.

Damn, that’s a lot of shit to keep in though.

“And today, Amanda said she liked him and then I helped set them up so that maybe I could… finally get over him and… when he said yes… I just… why would he say yes to her and not me!? What’s so wrong with me?”

“So… let me get this straight. You liked Laine for four years he rejected you. And years later he went out with your current best friend? And you’re sad about it.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you. It’s just a lot of stuff you probably don’t want to deal with or care about.”

“No, Skyler. I’m actually kind of… happy you told me. That’s a shitty thing to do to someone who’s loved you for so long. I think he should’ve at least given you a chance. And if it counts for anything, I don’t think you’re fat in the least. In fact, you should probably eat more…” I mumbled the last part.

How could he possibly think he’s fat? Does he count skin as fat? Because that’s all he is, is skin and bones… amongst other organs, of course. But seriously, how does someone live as a skeleton? Well, Skyler’s certainly pulled it off.

He looked up at me, shock on his face. “You don’t mean that. You’re probably just making fun of me. Please, stop,” he whimpered.

“I’m not making fun of you Skyler! Can’t you see that you’re pretty much only skin and bones?” I took his hand and held out our wrists for comparison. Mine was quite a bit bigger than his bony wrist. “Now, if you’re calling yourself fat, what does that make me?”

He looked over at the mirror against his wall and stood up, like he was in a daze. “I just… wanted someone to love me…” he breathed, dragging his slender fingers against his reflection.

“People can see past your appearance Skyler. Just because that asshole couldn’t, doesn’t mean that others can’t,” I growled. It seemed unfathomable that someone would reject Skyler, I mean, he was so nice and intelligent. Trust me, compliments never come from me like that. Dammit, what is this kid doing to me?

“When I was… worried about you telling people what you’d seen in the bathroom it was because… I… I’ve been throwing up my lunch.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And now the truth is out.
And I make 50,000 gold every 5 minutes on Fable 3 because I own almost all of Albion. XD