Status: Complete :)

Reaching You


I don’t care if I’m cold to people. I don’t care if people call me heartless. If they’re angry with me for turning them down. I suppose I don’t want anyone.

I looked at the girl in front of me, waiting for the question I knew she’d ask. Her resolve was obviously withering under my stare. I didn’t care what she thought of me or about her feelings.

“Fine, whatever, don’t say anything. We both know what you want and the fucking answer is no and it’ll always be no.”

And like that, she ran off, crying. I rolled my eyes. Who needs her? She can’t take a little tough love, so what? I smoothed down my black hair in the bathroom mirror and examined my green eyes. It felt like there was an eyelash in one of them.

The feeling eventually went away though and I left the bathroom. Just as I did that, I bumped into some kid. He was too skinny to be possible. I mumbled some kind of heartless excuse before going my way.

Then it struck me. Didn’t I know that kid from last year? I looked back at him. No, he must be new. I shrugged. What did I care anyways?


“You’re fifteen minutes late! Do I need to get someone to walk you home from now on?” My father screamed at me. “Where were you?”

“I had to stay after school for a senior meeting. Nice job staying informed,” I growled back.

He’s just been pissed because he found my stash a few weeks ago and I’ve been basically under house arrest. I’ll do all the goddamn speed I want. It’s my money and it’s my body. So I went upstairs to my room and did just that.

Mom’s been out of the picture since I was ten. She found some other guy to fuck. Who needed her? She was a whore for all I care. She left me alone with my strict as hell dad. He just forces all these expectations on me and when I can’t fulfill them he yells.

He yells a lot. Though, thankfully he never hits me. I mean, I’m pretty tall and I have a bit of muscle but my dad’s huge. I’d never be able to fight him.

I pulled the tape from under my bed, the tape that held the tiny bag of dust I needed. I smiled, loving how he’d never find my last stash.

Besides, I needed to study for my exams and this could make me stay up for days straight.


“Man, Haven, how high are you? You aren’t focusing,” Cole said from next to me in the loud cafeteria.

I snorted. “I’m not. Not now anyways,” I nearly growled.

He cackled. Then he passed me a tiny bag with a bit of the white dust in it. “Go for a ride.”

I rolled my eyes, took the bag and made off for the bathroom. I peered in and saw no one so I took the nearest stall and sat up on the back of the toilet. And just as I was about take it, I heard someone gag and then the sound of liquid hitting liquid with groaning after it. Gross, someone was getting sick. I shut the bag and put it in my pocket.

I got up on the back of the toilet and looked into the next stall.

There was a boy in it, gripping the sides of the toilet, his shaky pale hands seemed like they were barely able to support his weight. All I really saw was his messy light brown hair.

“Go to the nurse’s office and do that,” I said, a hint of hostility in my voice.

He bolted upright and looked up at me, his eyes lighting up with fear and guilt. His brown eyes widened at me. It was like he was doing something bad. Something worth scolding him for.

I scoffed and made my way out of the bathroom.

Why should it be my business if some kid is sick. Besides, the look in his eyes was disturbing. But the fear was dazzling all the same.
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So, I didn't get any comments on the last chapter.
But I think I might have a good idea for this.
I dunno.
I don't feel like I wrote the first chapter well enough.
I like Haven's character though.
And I really hope to see comments.
But if you don't, I guess that's fine.
I'll just cry a little.
Okay, a lot.