Show Them All

Let's Fly So High...

Once upon a time there was a dragon named Scott.
And once upon a time, that dragon named scott wasn't well liked by his peers, kind of like rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, but he wasn't a red-nosed reindeer... Maybe if he would have been a red-nosed reindeer, he would have been liked, but he wasn't.
He was a dragon, and no one else was. This caused many a disturbance in the village he lived in. Apparently, the people and other animals assumed that since he was a dragon, he was supposed to spit fire and eat people, but he wasn't that kind at all, no sir.
So the people and animals of that village spent their days trying to expel Scott from the little village. They did a number of things to achieve this, including kicking poor scott in the shins, throwing stink bombs, and hiding all of his underwear. Or they would have... If he wore any.
But one day, there came to the village a boy of fifteen, dragging his sword and shield on the ground, proclaiming "I am a knight! I will slay this dragon!"
Some villagers scoffed, others muttered under their breath, and still others outright laughed at the poor boy. But it was okay. He's show them all!
So that boy marched down the road to where Scott always camped out, which happened to be on top of a hill so he could see shin kickers coming from afar. When he got there, scott was already standing, his hands covering his eyes, waiting for the shin kicks to come. But to his surprise, they never did.
"Hi, I'm Daniel. What's your name?" The boy said and Scott cautiously uncovered his eyes.
"I'm Scott. I'm a dragon... Are you not going to kick my shins?" The dragon replied and the boy laughed outright.
"What good would that do? I'm supposed to slay you!" He said and poor Scott shrunk a little. "But don't worry, I have a secret."
"W-what is it?" Asked poor scared Scott, and the boy leaned in close to where the docile dragon stood.
"I know you're nice. You can be my friend and we could show them all." Daniel said, mischief making his eyes glitter. "Just play along."
And with that, the boy climbed onto the dragon's back, earning gasps from the villagers that had followed to see the scene unfold.
"Fly, mighty dragon, fly! And breathe fire like you were created to!" Daniel yelled and Scott felt something spark inside of him.
The dragon launched them both into the air and Daniel let out a whoop as Scott torched the treetops.
Boy did they put on a show.