Sequel: Hit the Books



“Sian!” Bailey called throughout the empty house. Their parents were coming home later that day so she wanted to make sure the house was as neat as they had left it.
“What?” Sian called back.
“We have to get this house clean!” Bailey shouted.
“It is clean!” Sian protested walking into the room.
“Ok let me rephrase that. When I say clean I mean mum’s version of clean, not ours.” Bailey laughed.
“Fine!” Sian huffed before going to grab the vacuum cleaner.

Within an hour the house was clean and the girls were sitting on the lounge waiting for the sound of car doors.
“Want my advice?” Bailey asked.
“I’m sure you’ll give it to me either way so go ahead.” Sian said.
“Yep, pretty much.” Bailey shrugged. “I think you should tell them when they’re unpacking. Either that or at dinner.”
“I think I’ll tell them at dinner.” Sian sighed as the sound of car doors slamming could be heard from outside.
“They’re home.” Bailey mumbled. Sure enough a minute later the door bell sounded throughout the house. Bailey got up and went to let them in. They looked tired but smiled and gave their eldest daughter a hug before continuing into the house.
“Is Sian here?” her mother asked.
“Yeah I’m here!” Sian said running and jumping into her father’s arms.
“How was the trip?” Bailey asked helping them carry their bags to their room.
“Good, really good.” Her mother replied.
“I’m starving though.” Her father said.
“I ordered some pizza so I’ll go get it now.” Bailey said walking out of their parent’s room and into hers. She grabbed her keys and wallet before getting in her car and going to get the pizza.

Bailey returned home to find the house dead silent.
“Uh hello?” she called.
“Dining room.” Someone replied. Bailey carried the four pizza boxes into the dining room and set them on the table. Her parents and Sian were sitting in silence as she opened the box of cheese pizza and took a slice.
“Wow you guys are quiet.” She muttered.
“We’re in shock.” Her mother said.
“Ah.” Bailey said. “I take it Sian told you”
“Yes, she did.”
“We’ll support you Sian, but this is going to be hard on you, very hard indeed.” Her mother sighed. Bailey looked at her sister and saw relief flood her face.
“Thank-god.” Bailey mumbled.