Sequel: Hit the Books


Cheshire Cat

Double maths was boring as Bailey finished the work in the first half an hour and went on to nearly finish the next topic. Recess came and Bailey sat next to Lance and Tilly.
“Yo! Bailey! Why so quiet?” Jack called to her.
“Huh?” Bailey looked up.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“Nothing. Just a bit tired.” Bailey said smiling nervously. Jack shrugged and joined back into some conversation the rest of the group was having.
“What’s wrong?” Tilly asked seriously.
“Nothing.” Bailey repeated.
“Are you sure?” Tilly asked.
“Positive.” Bailey said ending the conversation. She knew Tilly and Lance were exchanging concerned looks.
“Guys seriously I’m fine.” Bailey sighed.

Bailey waited on baited breath for Mr Watson to arrive.
“Sorry I’m late guys.” A high pitched voice said. Bailey turned around and saw Mrs Bells walking towards them.
“Where’s Mr Watson?” Tilly asked.
“Oh he couldn’t come in today, he’s sick apparently.” Mrs Bells said rolling her eyes in a way that suggested she didn’t believe it. They all walked into the room and took their usual seats and began to work with a small amount of talking. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful; the most fun Bailey had ever had in a study lesson.

“That study was awesome!” Tilly squealed as they walked to lunch.
“Yeah I know, let’s hope he’s not here again tomorrow.” Bailey smiled.
“You really don’t like him, don’t you?” Lance asked.
“He’s moved me every lesson. For no reason.” Bailey said defensively.
“For talking.” Lance corrected her.
“For asking for a pen?” Bailey asked cocking an eyebrow threateningly.
“I’m just saying Bailey.” Lance said throwing his hands up in defeat.
“He picks on her. End of story.” Tilly said sensing the tension between them.

“I’m sure you all missed me terribly yesterday but no need to panic I’m back today.” A happy voice said. Bailey groaned and banged her head against the nearest lockers. As he walked past her Bailey felt something slid into her hand. She looked at him and saw him wink at her as the rest of the class walked in, oblivious to the fact that their teacher was winking at one of their class mates. She waited until everyone was defiantly in the classroom and seated before she opened the small piece of paper:

~ Stay back after class I need to talk to you ~

Bailey sighed and placed the note in her pocket before entering the room.
“Bailey are you going to talk today?” Mr Watson asked smirking at her. Bailey rolled her eyes and took her seat next to Tilly.
“I’ll take that as a no.” Mr Watson chuckled starting up his computer.
“Of course he would.” Bailey muttered. Tilly shot her a warning look and looked at Mr Watson. Bailey followed her gaze and saw the man staring at her a huge smirk on his face.
“Why don’t you move up here.” He suggested pointing to the desk in front of his. Bailey rolled her eyes and got up, taking her books with her.
“One day you’ll learn.” Mr Watson chuckled. Bailey sighed and went on to do her chemistry homework she still hadn’t finished from last night. The bell rang and people began to leave. Tilly waited for her to meet her at the door.
“Bails?” she asked when her friend didn’t move.
“I have to talk to Mr Watson for a minute Tills I’ll meet you over there.” Bailey said. Tilly shrugged and walked away leaving Mr Watson and Bailey alone.
“You wanted to see me?” she said sitting on her desk.
“I’m sorry for not showing up yesterday.” Mr Watson apologised, confusing Bailey.
“Umm that’s fine?” she said not sure of how to take the sudden apology.
“I was scared shitless about coming to school yesterday because I didn’t know how you had taken that kiss.” He said.
“Ahh.” She said, she knew it would get brought up.
“Ahh?” Mr Watson repeated.
“Yeah ahh. I say it when I don’t know what else to say.” She said.
“Ahh.” Mr Watson agreed. “So I guess the question is what did you think after the kiss?”
“Honesty is usually the best policy.” Mr Watson said.
“Well I thought and sort of still do think that it was a mistake and nothing should happen because of it.” Bailey said truthfully.
“You said sort of, which means there’s a part of you that wants something to happen.” Mr Watson said hopefully.
“You’re quite the optimist aren’t you?” Bailey asked.
“Yeah well I’d rather think you would like something to happen rather than you were disgusted by it and have told the authorities.” Mr Watson said smiling slightly.
“Ok then.” Bailey said. “So what did you think of it?”
“I thought, yes, she likes me too.” Mr Watson said blushing slightly.
“Again with the ahh.” Mr Watson laughed.
“Look I really have to go.” Bailey said.
“Oh sorry yeah. But Bailey does this mean we both like each other?”
“I guess so.” Bailey smiled embarrassedly. Mr Watson grinned like a Cheshire cat and gave her a small kiss on her lips. Bailey pulled back and patted his cheek.
“Like I said I have to go.” She said before hoping off the desk and walking out of the room. If all study lessons were going to be like this she had a feeling she may be able to handle it.