Poet of Narnia

m a r g a r e t

She was being saved. She wasn't sure why, but she was rather liking this dream. A handsome knight saving her had to be a promising start. She hoped they wouldn't be riding the horse the whole time. That would be rather disappointing and she wasn't sure she would be able to handle it.

"Who are those men following you?" Margaret asked looking back over his shoulder even as the horse surged out of the water. If it was her dream she should have known this.

The young man shook his head. "Not now," he spoke a little curtly.

If she had been Marianna she knew she would have pouted. After all, that was what Marianna said would be a proper reaction to a man acting like that towards a woman. She wasn't her sister however so she frowned. "Well now, that's very rude of you isn't it?"

The man looked back over his shoulder and she leaned back trying to see what he was looking at. She felt him turning back and looked up at him only to see a branch hitting him square in the face. The momentum that took him off the horse however, carried her with it.

Margaret went tumbling down the trail and finally stopped rolling after she was lying face first on the forest ground. That had actually hurt. Dreams weren't supposed to hurt. Margaret pushed herself off of the ground and looked back to see the boy himself lying on his back. "Are you alright?" she called.

He looked back at her and seemed to force a smile. He opened his mouth to say something when something else caught his attention. He looked back at it and Margaret squinted her eyes trying to see what he was looking at. "Run!" he yelled the order at her.

Margaret planted her hands on her hips. Where was the fun in running? After all, she wasn't convinced that this wasn't a dream yet. She started walking towards him, her hands planted on her hips, her still wet under gown now covered with leaves and dirt. She began to brush the things off of it until she let out a little cry.

She hadn't seen that one coming.

A small man had come running down from somewhere in the trees and was holding a blade to her hero's throat. Both men looked back in the trees and Margaret heard horses again. Maybe it was her turn to save her hero. As the little man moved towards the sound of the horses, Margaret began rushing towards the knight.

The knight lunged forward and grabbed a white horn and blew it, throwing his head back in the air. Young Miss Dashwood stumbled, though she wasn't sure if it was from the sound of the horn or the sight of another little man appearing out of nowhere and hitting her hero square in the face.

"No!" Margaret cried. The little man turned towards her and she let out a squeak before she turned and ran into the trees.
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Alright, a little confusing, but it was kind of hard to write that scene >.< I hope you guys enjoy it though.