Hearts That Are Meant to Be Together


I had finished my homework well… that what was left of it and fixed my books as good as possible with tape.

Now… lets find the kids and play with them till dinners ready!

I was still smiling when I trudged down the stairs. He did nearly smile for me and besides Christmas break was finally starting!

I reached the living and when I opened the door I saw Slater sitting on the ground. Toby sitting in his lap and Natalie and two other toddlers sitting in front of him. They were playing with the Lego. Slater included.

My smile grew even bigger and for a while I just watched them through the door. It was definitely cute to see them like that together. Slater was so sweet and gentle. He was smiling and it definitely did his handsome face and eyes justice.

I think playing with the kids there made him realize he had something good in this world too. If only he opened his eyes for it. I wonder how long it would take for him to open up and let people in instead of whenever it was convenient for him.

‘It’s good seeing them like that isn’t it? Not getting jealous I hope?’ Mea said from behind me.

There she was. The nun that stole my heart from the very first beginning I got here. She was the one that nursed me back to life. She was the one I could tell almost everything though I never had. I didn’t want to burden her with my past.

She tugged the white apron tied over her black habit straight and smiled at me. One silver gray curl escaping the black and white headdress as she pushed her glasses higher up her nose.

‘You and Slater are very alike.’

I nodded, ‘I know.’

‘Now hop go in there I think little Sarah is a bit lonely with just her dolls!’ Mea exclaimed.

Then she turned and disappeared back into the kitchen.

I looked back at Slater and the kids still playing with the Lego. Then slipped through the door and closed it behind me as softly as possible hoping he wouldn’t notice me. I was sure he’d turn back to his old cold and grumpy self in an instance then.

My hopes of not disturbing them were dashed when Sarah yelled my name: ‘Amy! Amy! Will you play with me and the dolls?’

She was enthusiastically bouncing up and down beside the old piano. She was dressed in a cute blue little dress a doll firmly clutched against her chest.

‘Sure thing Sarah, you get the tea ready?’ I smiled at her and walked over. Pretending not to see Slater. Who had stopped moving in all. His face frozen.

Then slowly our eyes met and I smiled softly. He looked… embarrassed, scared and so venerable.

I turned around and sat down with Sarah on the little mini chairs around the mini tea table. Her dolls on other chairs around it.

During the whole mini doll tea party I ignored Slater and only snuck glances at him every now and then.

He seemed nervous but at the same time didn’t want to stop playing with Toby and the others and disappoint them. It obviously made him feel better that I wasn’t watching him but focused on playing with Sarah… which wasn’t really the case but still.


During dinner I felt Slater’s eyes constantly on me but I ignored him. The chance meetings of our eyes however brought a smile to my face. He was very confused.

His hair tasseled on his head, most of the time his eyes zoned out.

I was sad to notice that at the end of the dinner his eyes had hardened and that his anger seemed to be returning.

I desperately thought about what I could do to stop this. I didn’t want him to go back to his grumpy self. I wanted him to be happy too.

Toby insisted on playing with Slater again after dinner. But Slater just stalked out of the dinning room of to only God knows where.