Hearts That Are Meant to Be Together

Her Story

I started to chase after her but a hand grabbed my wrist.

‘Don’t, leave her be Son. It will only scare her more...’ I heard Mea say softly behind me. Her voice held so much sadness.

‘What the hell is wrong with her?’ I exclaimed jerking my arm away. My anger not yet completely gone... I still needed to vent it somehow but the only one I could do that with just ran away crying and screaming!

She’d never done that before. She’d always fight back. I thought she always would fight back at least. I guess I was wrong. I guess I finally made her cave. It didn’t make me feel as satisfied as I thought it would… In fact I felt no satisfaction at all.

‘Now now, don’t use such words with me young man!’ Mea scolded halfheartedly. ‘Let me tell you her story, I think you’ll understand her better afterwards.’

‘What’s there to understand? She’s just frustrated and craving for attention!’ I replied fiercely pulling my hand out of the old nuns grip roughly.

‘Just like you I think...’ was her quick reply.

Sighing I followed her into the kitchen. Knowing she was right, Amy had said the same over a dozen times now. She had even said I was the same as her.

How she dared draw that conclusion was beyond me! I mean come on? She hasn’t seen anything! I’ve been through hell! She just feels unloved.

Mea pushed me down on a chair in the kitchen and rummaged around the cupboards a bit.

‘A story needs to be told over a hot cup of chocolate boy. Now don’t look so oddly at me! Don’t you dare to leave either! I’m going to tell you this story whether you like it or not!’

I had never seen Mea like that before... that was why I remained still. Not because I was curious or anything! Well alright maybe I was curious. What could that girl have been through anyway?

Mea set down a steaming cup in front of me and then joined me on a chair across the table.

‘Where to start? Oh yes!’ She exclaimed. A far away look in her eyes as if recalling events.

‘When Amy came here; she was the saddest little bit of human you could imagine. She had been stabbed with a knife multiple times and only just been recovering from it after being in a coma for over 2 weeks.’

I scoffed, I had been stabbed multiple times as well... so what? Proved how much stronger I was!

‘Oh don’t scoff young man! Let me tell you this and then you judge alright?’

She did not continue until I nodded.

‘When she came here, she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She would just lay in her bed or on the couch. Staring into nothing. Sometimes crying. And when she got stronger she was mad. Mad at everything and anything.’

So that sounded a bit like me. But why shouldn’t I be mad? It’s not like the world did anything good for me! I lost my parents when I was 9! What happened to me after I ran away from my foster family I won’t even begin to describe or think of!

‘Mother supreme read her file to all the sisters so we could understand why she was mad. So we could teach her again to feel loved and feel His love again. It is the saddest story I ever heard.’

I scoffed again, I bet she didn’t hear my story then! That girl is just overreacting!

Mea frowned at me; ‘I know what you’re thinking but again: judge after you heard the tale boy!’

I turned in my chair and started poking the fire with an iron rod used for that purpose. I already know what’s happened to her I don’t need that stupid nun to tell me!

The silence stretched. Mea would not continue her story without my consent.

Well then I’ll just sit here and wait till she gets bored and leaves! I don’t want to know the rest! It’s stupid anyway. That girl’s just overreacting! It’s not like she was beaten daily or locked up in car trunks and forced to steal anything!