The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

The Sad Truth

The room smelt strongly of alcohol and smoke. Every room smelt that way. Hell even the people inside it did.

I ran a vein-covered hand through my stringy brown hair. I was 18, fresh out of high school, living with a drug addict parent. Let me tell you, it was no picnic. I dealt with men my mom would bring home, a new asshole to abuse her and me every week. Not that she cares. She takes a puff of cocaine and moves onto the next predator. I could call my brother and get out of a hell that he was lucky to escape. He was 23 and busy in his band. But someone had to make sure that our mom didn't over dose and kill herself, I guess that was me. Jimmy took off leaving me here to do his band thing. Do not get me wrong, I love my older brother with all my heart. I am just disappointed that he chose drums over his girls, aka his only family.

I sat on the couch staring at my mother swoon over her interest of the week. It sickened me to the bone. Her 'boyfriends' made my skin crawl with the slightest mention. This one was scruffy and tall.

I watched him kiss up and down my alcohol induced 'mother'. I knew if I tried to stop him, I would have yet another scar for my collection.

The man gave me a look and lingered on my chest area. I quickly folded my arms to cover them and put as much hatred I could muster into my glare. He turned his attention from me to my mom hanging around his neck.

I sighed, I need to get out of this hell hole.

I watched the nameless man push my mom into our bedroom, no doubt to take advantage of her. The sad part is that she is going to be trashed and scattered in the morning and he's going to be gone.

I couldn't take it, not another night, not tonight. For some strange reason I snapped. It has happened before, but that only resulted in a trip to the hospital on my part. I had my brother to protect me then, to save me. This time I was on my own.

"Let go of her." I snarled, before he made it all the way into the room.

He ignored me.

"Hey, I said unhand her you sewer rat!" I yelled, this time catching his attention. He dropped my intoxicated mother on the ground and faced me.

"Did you just tell me what I should do, you skinny little bitch." He strode towards me with his long legs. I was unfortunate to receive the lanky gene from my father. However, I had the short gene from my mom.

He grabbed my wrist, turning my hand purple in a matter of seconds.

"Don’t ever; tell me what to do, not with that tone, not ever." He snarled.

==Jimmy's POV==

I took another swig from my beer bottle. I was taking it easy today. Just hanging out at Matt's place drinking beers and talking with the rest of the guys.

We were laughing at some funny story that Brian was telling us. Something about a bathroom and cherry bombs.

I felt my cell in my pocket start to vibrate. I instinctively fished it out, check the caller ID, and frowned. I wasn't sure of the sender's number, I guess there was only one way to find out.

I quickly opened, "hello?"

"Oh my god sweety, you have to come down here now." I recognized that voice. One that belonged to my mother. I haven't seen her in 2 years, what could be so important?

"Why what happened?" I asked into the phone. The conversations around me stopped. I felt every eye on me.

I nodded and hung up the phone. I ran a hand through my black knotted hair. I stood up and paced back and forth, mumbling to myself.

"Dude you ok?" Matt asked.

"I got to… I got to go." I quickly gathered my keys from inside and took off to my car. I was just ready to pull out when my car door opened and someone jumped in.

"I'm coming with you," Zack said sincerely.

I smiled not knowing what else to do.


I busted into the beat up shed of a house that my mother and my sister called home.

"Lea you there?" I called into the trash heap.

"Jimmy, thank God." I heard my mom cry as she emerged from the second room in the three-roomed 'house'.

Hugged her and looked into her dilated eyes. Mentally beating myself up for leaving them. I was the father figure for Araila and the man of the house. All I can do is pray that she didn't turn out like my poor mom.

"Where's Lea?" I asked not letting go of her frail body.

"She's at the hospital. I woke and she was bloodied on the couch."

I looked at Zack than to the couch. Yep there was no doubt about it. There was blood everywhere. On the floor, couch and wall.

"Holy shit," I heard Zack whisper next to me, to himself.

I shook my head and exited the wreck. I needed to get her out of here, bottom line. There was nothing I could do about my druggie mom, but for my sister, there was hope.
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comments are the best =) they motovate me to write