The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Running From The Truth

"Ok we're over here Lea." Johnny called from the opposite side of the bus. I pushed pass all the guys until I was standing in front of a small bunk.

"We get bottom cause we're short," Johnny grinned as he threw his bags onto the bed. I did the same and we met everyone outside.

I leaned against Brian as Matt started to go over what he was told by the roadies. It was all band bullshit so I lost interest quickly.

"Yo Lea, you get that?" Matt snapped me out of my trance.

"No," I said honestly.

"You are drum tech and merch selling. Our techie can't make it until October."

I nodded, remembering Jimmy teaching me all about it a couple summers back.

"The one of the guitar techs knows a little about drums so he could help you if you get stuck." Matt continued.

"Don't mess my set up sis, or I'll have your head." Jimmy eyed me with a funny look on his long face. It's funny, for family we share few physical traits.

I laughed at him and we all started to scatter, the girls were going to set the merch table up and I was to help with the drums so they could do sound check and stuff.

"Hey," I heard someone say shyly.

I looked and found Zacky's bright green eyes looking back at me. The thing that troubled me was that Zacky was never this shy. He's usually one of the more outgoing of the bunch.

"Look I thought I would clear a few things up," he continued. "A-about Wednesday I mean."

I nodded and motioned him to continue.

"I think I might have felt something. Like you know…" he trailed off staring at whatever was in front of him as we walked.

==Zacky's POV==

The internal conflict raged inside of my chest. I was going to do it, no matter what her answer was.

I tried to call out to her but my voice would have nothing of it. It sounded like a scarred kitten in a tree. "Hey," was all I could muster.

She swiveled around, sending her straight brown hair to fall nicely around her face. I felt my heart beat increase with every step she took. Closer and closer to me. I fumbled trying to remember why I called her in the first place.

"Look I thought I would clear a few things up," I continued slowly. "A-about Wednesday I mean."

She looked slightly crestfallen; I could tell it in her eyes.

"I think I might have felt something. Like you know…" I beat myself up mentally for sounding like a downright dweeb. It's true I am falling hard for Araila, but to say it like that? Damn I am pathetic.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, it was totally… wait what did you say?" she cut herself off in the middle of her sentence.

I let out a deep sigh as we came to a standstill near the stage. "I said that, damn Lea I'm falling bad for you. I mean seeing you lying in the hospital bed broke my heart then mended it. it made me realize that life without you would suck." I took a deep breath, "I know that sounds cheesy as hell but it’s the naked truth."

Then she was gone.

==Araila's POV==

I ran, I don’t know why I did. Was I scared of my feelings? Was I scared of myself? I know that I probably just shattered poor Zacky's heart into a million pieces. I was running from the truth. I wasn't ready to confess what I had felt about Zack, it was premature.

I ran right into my brother who told me to go do the drum tech. I nodded still caught up in my head.

Will he every forgive me?
♠ ♠ ♠
ahhh oh the drama

comments are my drug, so feed the addiction

thank you to all of you who have been commenting, they mean a lot to me.