The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Why We Bother

==Zacky's POV==

Girls will just break your heart. I don’t know why we bother anyway. You spill your heart out then they eat it for lunch. They don’t give a rat's ass what you feel like and what you do. They're just in it for the sex.

Those were the words that kept repeating in my head all through warm ups and sound check.

First, it was the pain of rejection. Let's face it, rejection sucks, who wants to face the person that turned you down.

I walked through the day in a haze of self-pitty. Avoiding Araila and Jimmy at all costs.

I watched the sun set in the west and called it a night. The rest of the gang said that they were going to go out and check out the area. AKA, go clubbing or bar hopping if possible.

I had no interest what so ever. With that said, Brian took me aside and drilled me on what's up and why I didn't 'feel' like going.

I said that I had a nasty headache and was calling it quits. I got one or two more strange looks and closed my self into my lonely bunk.

The sound of voices faded causing me to close my eyes. In reality, I wasn't sleepy at the slightest. The cloth that enclosed me started to move aside until I was faced with two blue eyes.

I was ready to protest her existence, but I was cut short.

"I'm so fucking sorry," she moaned, kissing me hard.

I'm no loser, I take my chances when they come. Only the one who broke my heart could make me feel better and feeling better indeed.

She pulled away from me and starred down. Her face looked perfect.

"Zachary Baker," she breathed, "I fucking love you," and she nailed me hard on my lips again. Those words made me feel like I was waking on air. The truth is I loved that girl with all my heart. Even back when I supposedly couldn't stand her. Back then, she was just Jimmy's little sister who would hang out with us and go on camping trips with her dad. Today, today was a hell of a lot different. Hell if it wasn't we wouldn't be making out in my bunk right now.

I pulled her thin frame closer, running my tongue around her open mouth. I could taste the slight taste of alcohol and smiled.

Then she pulled away once more rolling off me so she was leaning against the wall.

"Don't tell Jimmy," she whispered as her cell started to go off. Araila gracefully dug the cell out of her pant's pocket and checked it.

She smiled and planted a butterfly kiss on my nose, then crawled over me to the exit.

Then she was gone… again.

I sighed and rested my head on the fluffy pillow. What did that mean? Was Araila willing to get to know me… err better? Why did she say "don't tell Jimmy"? Is she ashamed or something. On the other hand, maybe it's the obvious fact that Jim would flip a tit if he found out.

==Araila's POV==

My head spun as I called back Johnny on my cell.

"Hey," I said into the receiver.

"Yo bitch, where the fuck are you?" his voice was muffled by the loud music in the background.

"I had unfinished business to attend to."

"Well get your sweet ass down here," Johnny sounded like he had a couple too many drinks in him.

I laughed, "Where are you babe?"

I could practically hear him shrug, "some club, this place is pretty fucking sweet."

I shook my head, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Looks like I would have to go be the one who gets them home tonight, fat chance any of them are sober enough to walk a straight line.

I grabbed my wallet and called out to Zack.

He muttered something back but met me out by the car. There was no way I was going to search through clubs by myself.

Five blocks, four clubs, and two homeless bums later we caught sight of Matt. Somehow we were able to round up all six of them, plus a blonde haired girl named Gina that Brian claimed to be 'hanging' with. I had to help Johnny walk because he was so wasted.

"What are we going to do with you Mr. Christ?" I teased as he stumbled on a yet another crack in the sidewalk. "Ha, ha and do you know the best part? The facts that you guys have two shows tomorrow, then we get to pack up and move to the next city." I was having fun picking on these guys.

"Shut your mouth girl," My brother groaned and pointed a lazy finger at me. I responded by so 'maturely' sticking my tongue out.
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Wow I must really like you guys, three chapters on rapid fire ha ha

Comments are the best as always

Shout out to my Twin Jess =D
read her stuff, she's frickin' amazing
her username is
Love you babe