The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

The Truth To Many Questions

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Zack, sitting next to him on Johnny's bunk.


"Why does everyone hate Katie so much?" The question had been digging at me for a couple months now. She was a fun, nice girl, but everyone seemed to hate her.

Zacky let out a deep sigh and placed a cold hand on the exposed skin on my legs. His touch made my body shiver in delight.

"You see," he started, "Katie screwed us, the band, over pretty bad."

I stopped him quickly, "How come I never knew you had a sister when we were growing up?" I knew Zacky for almost my whole life. Some things just weren't adding up.

"My parents are divorced, you know that."

I nodded.

"Well My dad took custody over me and my mom took my sister. It was heart breaking for both of us." I could see his eyes swelling.

I picked his head up with me hand and I lightly placed a kiss on his lips.

"I was about five. Any way, a couple years ago when the band was just starting out, Katie offered to help us. She was trustworthy and helpful then. She actually sang with Matt on some of the song and played the piano. She had a great voice and was masterful at her instrument." Zacky paused to regroup his thoughts. Then he looked back at the bus floor again.

I ran a hand through his knotted black hair.

"Well when we were recording 'Wakening The Fallen', she leaked it to a couple other bands. It fucked up our sales and buzz. About five other bands took our sound and songs. They took of our lyrics and no one gave us credit for it. Actually, we got screw over by the media and fans for saying that we took some of our original music from the other bands that took it. After that, we kicked Katie out of the band because she ruined our name bad." Zacky finished and rested his head on my shoulder. "After we threw her out she started to go to the media and killed our band completely. She was letting out all our secrets. She actually mentioned Jimmy and what he did to your family."

When I heard him say that his sister leaked about Jimmy's personal life, my thoughts became instantly negative. Here I was thinking that she was nice and caring. She did take me in for goodness sake. However, in reality, she made my brother's and friend's band go up in smoke. I still could not believe that she mentioned me. She had no right to be saying shit like that. I was just glad that when I was with her I didn't mention to her that I was the little sister of Avenged Sevenfold's drummer. Hell would have broken loose then.

"'City Of Evil' is our some back album." Zacky continued, "I can't believe you didn’t hear that. It was in all the magazines and we were getting phone calls everyday about what Katie did."

I shrugged, "I basically lived under a rock after my dad died. We lost out TV to one of my mom's boyfriends. We lost everything to them: the computer, money, VCR."

"I'm sorry about that." Zack said sincerely.

I laughed, "It wasn't your fault silly." I tousled his hair.

"I know, I know, it just sucks that someone like you had to live through that. I went with Jim on the day your mom called him. I saw the blood; I saw your living arrangements. Then I saw you. You were so pretty, even with broken bones and bruises." Zacky said, tracing his thumb over one of my many scars on my hand.

I sighed, "thank you Zacky."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I met him half way and kissed him sweetly. Zachary Baker was so sweet. He actually cared unlike most people. He cared about what happened. I remember my expression when I saw him sitting in my hospital room. I was confused about my ware bouts. Then I saw him. I could not stand the sight of him then. But look at us now, we are making out on my bunk in a tour bus. Honestly I don't think even a fortune teller could have predicted this.

I smiled as I let Zacky's tongue enter my mouth. I leaned back and let the kiss deepen.

"Hey we’re ba… What the fuck!?" Someone said.

"Aw come on man, not on my bed." Came Johnny's voice.

I quickly pushed Zack away, causing him to stumble backward a step.

Brian waltz over to us as I quickly adjusted my shirt so it was hanging on my properly.

"How long have you been banging each other?" Brian asked.

"Is Jim here?" I retorted.

"No, now I want answers."

I let out a deep sigh, "maybe two months or so, I don't know."

He whistled, "damn, who would have known, eh Johnny" He elbowed the midget standing next to him.

Johnny's mouth was hanging open, "and it had to be on my bed." His lip quivered. "All I can hope is that you two haven't gotten freaky in it."

"It's my[ bunk too Johnny." I smirked.

He gave me a disgusted look.

"Well looks like our secrets out babe." Zacky announced from JB's bunk across the very narrow hall.

"So are you two like together or something?" Brian asked waving a finger between Zack and I.

I shrugged, and Zacky smiled.

"I don't see why we have to keep it from them anymore."

I smiled widely and pecked him on the nose. He returned my grabbing my skinny waist and kissing me again on the mouth.

"Ok, ok we get it now break it up. I have to go wash the sheets." Johnny declared as he pushed by us to our bunk.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Johnny boy it looks like you just lost a bunk mate." Zacky smirked.

Johnny just returned by narrowing his eyes and collecting his sheets.

We both laughed at him. Oh, the next two months are going to be quite enjoyable. I wonder what Jimmy is going to say when he finds out.
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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I love you guys <3