The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Jimmy Said What?

==Johnny's POV==

I plucked my drop D string on my bass. Letting the deep tone absorb my body. I loved playing at shows. It is so refreshing. Plus its fun to watch all the hot chicks throw themselves at you. I walked back and forth on the stage bobbing my head and letting my fingers clamber over the four thick strings. I walked over to where Zacky was bobbing and played with him. He looked overjoyed with a playful smirk playing on the edges of his lips.

"This shining city built of gold, a far cry from innocence. There's more than meets the eye round here, look to the waters of the deep, a city of evil." Matt's raspy voice sang into the microphone.

The fans started to go crazy. Screaming and singing along to the words they knew.

Our set was ending and the hot sun made every inch of my small body drip with sweat. I couldn't help but notice Zack stealing smiles from Araila. To be honest I was jealous. I used to be the one Araila gave all her attention to on stage. Well me and Jimmy that is. I watcher her blow a couple kisses to Zack and I could feel my face gradually get warmer.

Jimmy still has no idea about Zacky and Araila. Everyone knows but him. Well I guess he will find out about those fuckers tonight when he notices that my bunk will be empty. So empty and lonely. I'm going to miss that little bitch sleeping with me every night, curling up beside me as I draped my arms over her. She didn't mind if I held her tight, she said that she actually liked it. I was glad to be her best friend, but I remember at some point I wanted more. Ah what the Hell, I have always wanted more. I have just had my head jammed too far up my ass to realize it. Well you know what they say, "you don't know what you got till it's gone."

==Zacky's POV==

We finished the set and said good-bye to our fans. I couldn't wait to get off stage and take my girl in my arms, in public and in front of everyone, yes everyone. I swung my guitar behind me as I grabbed Araila. I kissed her; I kissed her deeply and lovingly. I could only imagine her brother's face right then and there. My vision of his shell-shocked face made me smile as we started to go into a full-blown make out session.

"W-what the fuck?" I heard Jimmy stammer.

Araila pushed me away and I gave her puppy dog eyes. What girl could resist Zacky Vengeance's sad green eyes? Apparently Araila Sullivan.

I saw her smirk at her older sibling. Then wrap her arm around my waist. I mimicked her movements and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"What the fuck was that?" Jimmy asked, his mouth was hanging open to give him the illusion of a nutcracker.

"Daddy this is my boyfriend Zacky, Zacky this is my grumpy old man." Araila's voice sounded like a squeaky 13 year-old.

Jimmy shook his head, "you’re a fucking piece of work aren’t you?"

In complete honestly, I was surprised to hear those words out of his mouth in that tone of voice. I was expecting something along the lines of, 'What the fuck man? She's my baby sister, don't fucking lay one of your nasty, stubby fingers on her.'

I looked at my girlfriend; her face was in complete shock, "No lecture, no screaming, no blood? Damn I got it easy."

That caused everyone to smile including Jimmy.

"I have decided that I don't feel like being your babysitter. You can do whatever with Zack. I trust him with my little sister."

Brian let out a snort from behind Jimmy. I reached over and lightly smacked him along side the head.

Then Val joined in, "Oh please, I wouldn't trust my mother with that mother fucker."

I just grinned, "Your mama is fucking hot Val."

She gave me a funny look and laughed, "See what I mean?"

I raised my hands up in defeat, "ok have you all had turns digging at me?"

Araila raised her hand, "I haven't yet." She smirked.

"Oo I haven't either," Matt chimed in.

I silenced him with my hand, "Lea you don't get to bash me, you love me too much."

She stuck her pinkish tongue out at me, "fine."

I caressed her soft brown hair. Doing my best not to think of anything too nasty.

"Well children, not like this isn't fun but I'm going to go find my girlfriend from the merch booth then head out." Brian said eying Val, Leana, and Araila, "Some of us are more responsible then others."

Leana grabbed Brian's hat off his head and threw it to Araila. Who then placed it on her head.

"I like this hat; I think I'll keep it."

Brian just rolled his eyes and flipped it off her head. It was easy for him seeing how she only stood at 5 feet and 4 inches.

Araila grabbed my hand in hers, lacing our fingers. "Fine we'll come too," She said pulling at my arm as I handed my guitar off to JB.

It was h-o-t out today. The little blue tent didn't help much. Brian and I sat behind the table with the girls sighing items and taking pictures for our loyal fans. Damn I loved out fans. We wouldn’t be were we are now with three albums and our place on warped tour with out them. I loved them almost as much as I loved my girlfriend.

Oh and then there is always the girls who want to get lucky with a rock star. Not completely fans, but not a random hooker either. Groupie maybe, but this breed of girls don't even know your actual name. That is the breed of girl that I would thrive on. The breed that would get me laid three times in one day. One of them tried to outsmart me and said I was the father of her child. Lord knows that I was not.

I snaked one of my heavily tattooed arms around Araila's narrow waist and pressed my lips to her ear.

"When do we bounce?"

She ignored me at first. She was giving change to a buyer. The fan gave me a slight longing look and turned on her heal. They always did that.

"Baby," I whined. The merch booth was slow and now deserted. In my eyes there was no real purpose for us to stay another minute here. I wanted to go out and party till the sun came up. Then crash in my bunk with a beautiful girl. Only to repeat my day again in a new state.

Oh the life of a Rock Star, so difficult, eh?
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Thank you for reading and making this story so successful =D it means a lot to me and I'm not just saying that.

Well Comment with feedback, good or bad. i like the bad feedback, it only makes my writing better. The love is great too, thank you for that.

-xoxo Marii