The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Home Sweet Home

"Babe I'm tired," I pouted as I starred up at Zack from the couch.

"Then go to sleep." He answered taking a seat beside me on the couch. I laid my head on his chest.

"I don't want to," I pouted slightly, sounding just like a 5 year old forced to eat broccoli.

"Then don't, just don’t make the rest of us suffer." Brian said from his place with Gina.
I shot him a dirty look and went back to playing with a loose thread on my pants. The trips between arenas always were the longest part of the whole tour. They could be between 1 hour to 4 hours. How do we spend our past times?

"Hey guys," Jimmy walked into the 'living area' of the bus, "Wanna play?"

Well if you must know, we play board games. Scattegories happens to be our favorite.

"The letter is 'S'." Val yelled, and the games begin.

I scanned my card, hmm guitar god. I quickly finished up my card with a little help from Zacky.

"What you guys put?" I asked to my friends.

"Psh the amazing Synester Gates of course." Brian said as if it was a no brainier.

"You keep thinking that," Zack laughed, "we," He motioned between him and me, "put Slash."


"Yo bitches only 5 more minutes till we stop." JB bounced into the room. Jumping on Matt. He smiled sheepishly and rolled off him. Matt just laughed and went back to kissing his better half.

"What's up babe?" He asked resting an arm around my shoulder. I quickly turned off my mp3 player.

"Not too much, just rocking out to some AC/DC."

His face lit up and he grabbed my player. I saw him quickly scan threw my songs, then click on one.

"I like this one." At once Bon Scott's voice filled my ears. I smiled, this song was the first AC/DC song that I had ever heard when I was growing up. It was my favorite. Ii gave JB a headphone and he started to sing.

"See me ride out of that sunset on your color TV screen. Out for all I can get, If you know what I mean. Women to the left of me, and women to the right…."

"Ooo looks like JB's a stud," Brian chuckled as he entered the front room. I couldn't help but laugh myself by the look JB gave him. He then stretched his other arm around Val.

"Yea I'm getting laid tonight." He yelled and pecked both Val's cheeks and mine.

"Not with my girlfriend," Zacky yelled from his bunk. We all broke out laughing.

We finally arrived to the venue. Today was the guy's last show of the tour. No more sitting at a merch booth for a million hours selling T-shirts, hoodies, and whatever else we had. I was so relived when we packed it up. The announcement of going back to Southern California was a nice one. To be honest I missed hanging out by the beach and being wasted at the Blue Café every other day. Sure, it wasn't until now that Jimmy actually let me drink but that never stopped me before. Johnny and I still weren’t even legal. He was lucky that he was in a band.

"Home sweet home" Jimmy smiled as we stepped out of the car. Our modest split level was looming over us. My insides were smiling like crazy at the familiarity of it all. The only thing that makes this moment better is that my birthday is coming up soon. Actually, in two days I will be 19.

Jimmy and I stood outside and just starred at our house in the cool November air. Leana had to go to her parent's place to help them with something. We were starring at an empty house.

"What are we waiting for motherfucker?" I yelled as I picked up my bags with one hand and his hand with my other. I dragged my brother to the front door and searched through my pockets for my key. Before I could retrieve it a pair of long, tattoo covered arms scooped my up and threw me other his shoulder.

I started to laugh like a maniac. Why I was laughing, I don't know. All I knew was that I was hanging upside down, as my brother pushed the door open. I nearly slipped through his arms I was laughing so hard.

"Jez Lea, what's up with you?" Jimmy smirked as he released me onto the couch so I landed in a heap.

I just shook my head. "I don't know," I said between giggles. I guess it was something that reminded me of my childhood. The fun, respectable one I had before my screwed up teenage years. The one that I loved. The one that I would give anything to be back in. Actually that statement was not true anymore, I have Zack now. My life if happy and loving again.

"Jimmy," I asked, placing my head on my hands and looking at him. "Do you remember back when we were little? Like the camping trips that we would go on with Dad?" My voice wavered a bit on the word dad.

My brother starred at me and nodded. "yeah those were good times. So lets get your bags in and make dinner"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was Jimmy avoiding my question? Did he not want to remember it?

"Ramen noodles sound fine? Cause that's all we have." Jimmy's voice came from the kitchen.

I nodded. Sometimes I just didn't understand my crazy older brother.
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